Friday Night Bites (Edited)

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(Mystic falls High School)

Bella's POV.

I'm at school, hanging out with Tyler while he's giving me a pig'y-back ride since I drove him here today, and we're making our way towards Matt who's throwing a ball back and forth with a couple of jocks. Tyler starts to put me down as he starts to go and join them. Matt comes over to stand next to me while looking over his should at my sister, and her new boyfriend. She told me this morning that she made it official with him last.

"Look... There's Elena and her new boyfriend. Now, what are they doing? Oh, they're walking, walking, walking. Yep. Right into the sunset." Tyler says coming back over and teasing Matt.

"You're a dick." Matt says still staring at the two.

"While you just stand there looking like one of those little yard trolls." Tyler teases him again.

"Gnomes you idiot." I giggle at him as he glares at me for correcting him.

"Hey, what am I supposed to do, Ty? She made her choice." Matt says sounding upset just talking about it.

"Let her know she made the wrong one." Tyler tells him while catching the ball getting ready to throw it again but not at the jocks, at Stefan.

"What are you doing? Ty, don't. Ty, don't! Ty!" Matt says warning him but it's too late as he throws it to Stefan who has his back towards us. But thankfully he turns around and catches the ball, and throws it back to Tyler which makes him take a few steps back, whilst me and Matt just stand there laughing at him as he starts walks away from us.

'Take that Ty." I shout while laughing at him doing a walk of shame while the bell goes and then turning to Matt "Now come on Matt it's your turn, to history we go" I say to him jumping on his back while he keeps a tight hold of my legs with my arms wrapped around his neck and we head to Mr. Tanners class.

"World war II ended in...Anyone got anything? Miss Juan? 1945." Mr. Tanners asks the class who I think is half asleep. Ignoring him I decide to talk to Stefan.

"Psst." I whisper to him, trying to get him to turn around which he eventually does.

"FYI... Our team sucks. They could use you." I tell him.

"Can't." He replies simply.

"Pearl Harbor."Mr. Tanner asks.

"I'm a loner."He tells me, liar.

"Bella?" Mr. Tanner asks me, I know he hates me "Pearl Harbor?" He repeats himself.

"Um, why don't I let my sister answer this one." I say avoiding the question while Elena glares at me.

"Very well, Elena?" He sighs.

"Hmm." She tries to come up with an answer.

"December 7, 1941" Stefan says, saving Elena's ass.

"Thank you, Miss Gilbert." Mr. Tanner says towards Elena and Stefan.

"Anytime." Stefan says to him.

"Very well. The fall of the Berlin wall?" Mr. Tanner says giving him another question.

"1989. I'm good with dates, sir." Stefan replies smugly.

"Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act?" Mr. Tanner asks him which he replies correctly to all of the questions Mr. Tanner throw's him "Korean war?" He asks Stefan, just waiting for him to mess up.

"1950 to 1953." Stefan tells him.

"Ha! It ended in '52." Mr. tanner says looking happy with himself.

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