Bad Boy Love~ Part 24

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I felt his cold hand touch my shoulder in a comforting way.

"Can we please just figure out what we are doing?" I snapped as I shook his hand off of my shoulder.

He was silent for a minute and then I just heard him exhale and laugh.

"Wow," he stated plainly. "Just wow."

"What are you laughing about?" I asked painfully and I turned my head to face him.

"The one time I try to be nice and comforting to you, you brush me off like you don't even care," he argued.

"Please Jake, I'm not in the mood to fight," I said with the tears forming again.

"Just because Ryan cheated on you doesn't mean you have to be a b*tch about it," he barked.

I was left silent. How did he know? I didn't tell anyone.

I began balling uncontrollably. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"How did you know?" I cried in pain. My heart was shattered.

His face turned white and he began babbling sounds of words. He was stumped. "Everyone knows!" he finally spoke an actual sentence.

"That's a lie!" I screamed at him. "Nobody knows anything!" I shouted.

"It's the truth! I swear!" he begged.

"I don't believe you. Spill it," I said while trying to gather strength.

He seemed to be contemplating on whether he should tell me something or not. He stared at the ground with his lips sealed.

"Jake!" I screamed at him. "F*cking tell me everything!"

He let out a shaky breath. "I had Taylor tell you where the bathroom was because we knew that Ryan was in there," he said silently.

I couldn't speak, couldn't move, couldn't stand, couldn't think.

I leaned my back against the car and slowly slid down until I was sitting on the cold ground.

I'm pretty sure he expected me to say something to him. Scream at him in tears.


I am done.

Done with love.

Done with sadness.

Done with heartbreak.

Done with Jake.

Done with everything.

I plainly stared at the ground and processed all of the information that Jake had just told me. I became light headed and my stomach had an unpleasant turning sensation. I grabbed the car handle and pulled my self up off the ground. I ran over to the bushes, and for not the first time tonight, vomited. Only this time it wasn't because I wss fully drunk right now... I think. it was because I couldn't stand the thought of Jake trying to break me and Ryan up.

Why didn't he just tell me and not have me have to see it all?

"You wouldn't have believed him, and you know it," said the little voice in the back of my head.

"Shut up!" I argued back with myself in my head.

Wow. I seem really psycho right now... Oh well.

I stood with wobbly legs and spat the remaining vomit into the bushes, gross.

"You need to sit down," Jake said from behind me, taking my frail wrist into his strong hand.

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