Chapter Three: My love(s) :)

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Holy hell, I checked, and apparently I published the last (proper) chapter in January...My apologies, I will attempt to update more frequently.

Once I finished my Starbucks, I ran all the way to school, because I'm super fit! The bell rang as soon as I arrived in my English class.
"Mary-Sue, please try to be on time next time," Ms Assholey said as I took a seat.
Oh my God, I hate her. She always picks on me for some reason. Adults just don't understand me!!
I spent the entire lesson daydreaming about Ryder and Harry. Before I knew it, the bell for the end of class rang.
"We have a test tomorrow," Ms Assholey reminded the class. OMG! I was so going to fail! I sucked at English!
Suddenly it was lunch time. I went to my locker to collect my books for my next classes. I sighed as I stared at them. I had decorated them with all sorts of 1d pictures (but I crossed out Niall's face, because ain't nobody got time for dat).
"See? You obviously want me more than that dog, love," Harry spat huskily, appearing next to me. I blushed.
"You're so cute when you blush," Harry murmured, pushing some of my blonde locks out of my face. He leaned in, his green orbs staring into mine. I could smell his breath - rosemary and cinnamon and raccoons and and thyme.
"Get off her!" Ryder suddenly shouted, coming out of nowhere and pushing Harry away from me.
OMG I love a dominant man.
"This guy is like, 30 years old, it's wrong!" Ryder shouted.
Harry's beautifully plucked, cinnamon brown eyebrows narrowed. "Dude, you're a werewolf! Don't you mutts live for 200 or something years? How old are you?"
Ryder gritted his teeth. "104. But it's not paedophilia, because I look like your average brooding teen!"
"That's some fucked up Twilight-shit right there!" Harry snapped.
I blushed. All these fights over little old me?
I left the boys to work out their issues, so I could grab a taco (did I not mention our school has a taco bell? Oh, and a Nandos and a Starbucks). But on my way there, evil stopped me.
The blonde, blue eyed devil (no, I'm not talking about myself!!) stopped me, standing in my path.
"Ryder's mine," Brittany Springs hissed. "Stop hanging around him!"
She pushed me, and I fell into some lockers, dropping my books onto the floor.
"Nerd!" They all laughed at me.
Then my prince charming came in the form of a rebellious dog.
"Get away from Mary-Sue!" Ryder yelled, running to my rescue.
"Ryd-err!" Brittany whined. "You love me!"
"That was a fling in year 4!" Ryder snapped. "Get over yourself!"
Brittany ran away crying like a baby.
Ryder stepped closer to me. "Are you alright?" He asked me.
I nodded, smiling dreamily. "Now that you're here I am."
Ryder picked up my books. "I heard you have an English test tomorrow. Despite barely ever going to school, I'm the top of the class in English, so I can tutor you. Come to my house after school?"
I nodded dreamily. He left for his next class, leaving me rooted on the spot with sparkles in my eyes and love in my heart.

Rn I'm on team Harry. What about you guys?

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