Chapter 13. Determined Rage.

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"Sir." I turn around in my chair to face the intruder.
"What is it, Martin?" I asked in a bored tone as I scanned through some papers.
"The marriage certificate is here." He says handing me a manila envelope.
I take it from him and look through the papers sent to me by my lawyer.
"Do you really thinks its vice of you to force her into this?" Martin asks. I look up at him.
"You know why I am doing this, Martin. I do not need to be any more specific." I snap and turn away in my chair.
He knows everything about Scarlett's past. After Timothy left my office yesterday evening, I had completely lost my shit.
Broke down everything in my path.
My office is still a mess.
They have to get it renovated now.
I drank for five hours straight until I begged Martin to drive me to Scarlett's apartment.
The last I had gone this shit head crazy was when my sister died.
I even cried holding Scarlett's sleeping form in my drunken stupor, promising her the world.

When Martin found me in my destroyed office, It took everything in him and a few guards to stop and calm me down.
So here I am sitting in my home office at two fucking p.m. Hungover after my drunken spree last night, Waiting for Scarlett to get off from work so I can get her to sign the marriage certificate.
I can give her a proper wedding ritual once I have gotten rid of her father.
But for now.
I can't wait anymore to make her mine and take care of her.
I have had enough of waiting. My patience ran out the window the moment Timothy left my office.
While a number of my most valuable man have already flown to Italy to get her fucking scum of a father, I had decided to just give her my name once and for all instead of waiting.
I can't stand another day of her being "Scarlett Francis" .
She won't be a Francis by the end of this day.
I will make sure of that.

After I had forced her to wear my late mother's wedding ring, I left.
"I. Hate. You." She had whispered through her gritted teeth when I finally let go of her lips.
"Dare to take that ring off, baby. I promise you the consequences you have suffered through by now will be mickey mouse compared to what I will actually do if you dare to take off my ring." I had whispered kissing her lips and left her lying there on her bed.

Timothy called and informed me about how Scarlett lost it after I left.
I felt bad. But I could care less. She can hate me all she wants. Infact I am giving her my whole life at her disposal to hate me when I have married her.
Deciding on letting her have some time to herself, I went home.
I had already called my lawyers last night to work on the marriage certificate and to also get me all the necessary documents needed to change her name permanently, make her a citizen of my country and  to also arrange for a document that gave her fifty percent rights to everything I owned.
I was determined on making her invincible.
By the end of the night, she will not only be my wife but also the richest woman of my country.
She will hold more power than the fucking president of this country.

I can't wait for the media to get a sniff of this news.
I want her father to find out everything. I want him to be scared. I want him to start counting his days because I have already started counting his for everything he has done to my baby.

Getting his number and address was a fucking cheesecake. I can't wait to get my hands on him.

Once all the documents have been processed and completed, the first thing I will do as Scarlett's husband, will be to fly to Italy and kill her fucking scum of a father and all those involved in her torture, right infront of her eyes, taking away all the fear engraved on her skin by them.

Once done, checking through all the documents, I called my lawyers into my home office at 5 in evening.
After a quick shower, I dressed into a tight black v neck tshirt and jeans and left for the greasy diner, Scarlett works in.

When I make my way down the staircase, my assistant joins me, handing me yet another file.
I went through it and realised its the admission profile of Scarlett and Timothy.
After I had left her apartment that day when I broke into her house for the first time, I had made Martin, to get Scarlett into a renowned college instead of that cheap local college where her talents are going to waste.
Timothy, on the other hand wants to do, mechanical engineering which wasn't bad, considering all the kids I have seen ruining their lives after drugs.
I got him to study in the same college as Scarlett once he graduates next month.
Feeling proud of Martin's handiwork in a matter of few days, I got into my awaiting car.
Today I will make Scarlett quit her job and than bring her home to sign all the papers including our marriage certificate.

I can already feel she is not going to make it easy for me.
But I am known to make things go my way.


Author's Note:

Well here you go.
Another chapter.
I am sorry I am writing such small chapters. But I did give you guys two chapters in a row to make up for it.
Its only because I want the theme of each chapter to stay the same instead of putting different different scenarios all in one.
Which is a mess.
And I don't want you guys to get confused.

So anyways. I promise. The next chapter will be realllyyyy long and completely amazing.
I cant WAIT for you all to read it.
It involves *whispers* Timothy's point of view. Tito Francis's Point of View. And Scarlett's point of view.
And some gruesome scenes that will make you hate Rage but at the same time feel pity for him because after finding out about Scarlett's past, he has completely lost it. He can't have her being afraid anymore. So he will do anything in his power to make her his.
Thats one fucked up love sick man.
Ain't he?

I know it was evil of me to tell this to you guys.
But I love keeping you guys on edge.
Makes writing so interesting.

Have a good night❤️
See you tomorrow with an update for Niko's Rose.
Love ya❤️😘

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