2. Can't Get You Off My Mind

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*** February- 15-2013****

His face looked the same. He had no make up, stitches, and some blood.

For some reason I expected him to be awake, like some romantic thing you see in the movies.

Wife walks in and the husband wakes up from a death coma... But when the fuck does that happen?

I squeezed his hand. It was freezing.

"I love you Mike," I felt the tears start to fall from my eyes again.

"He loves you too, Alex," Chris spoke.

"I just wish so much that he'd just wake up,"

"We all do,"

*** Mike's POV***

"Dude, slow down," Sammy spoke.

"Calm down Mikey-boy we'll be okay," Ryan giggled blowing his hookah.

"Fuck, this isn't a joke, slow the fuck down," I gripped my phone tight

"What the fuck could possible happen?" Sammy laughed swerving in between lanes.

"We could die,"

"We are not goi-"

"Dude watch out!" Ryan screamed.

I looked out the side window and seen white lights.

My life flashed before my eyes.

Alex. The baby. My baby. Our baby.

"I just wish so much that he'd wake up," her fragile voice spoke, on the brink of tears.

"We all do," I heard Chris' voice as well.

"What if he doesn't," she snapped squeezing my hand.

"Alex, he will, either way you'll never be alone," his voice shook.

I squeezed her hand slightly and felt her jump.

"Chris, he- he just, squeezed my hand," she cried.



"That's good,"I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, it wasn't Alex's, "Get better man, I'll leave you with your girlfriend now,".

"Thank you, Chris,"

"I'll be outside if you need me,".


I heard foot steps and the door close.

"Mike," Alex spoke, "I love you so much, I just want you to wake up... I can't do this without you," she started crying into my arm.

I felt my heart ache; there was nothing I could do. She is broken, I am useless.

I can't leave her..

"Ma'am" a voice broke her crying.

"Y-yes?" Her voice quivered.

"You need to leave,"

"I'm not leaving him," she gripped my arm.

"You have-"

"I am not leaving, okay? You can't make me leave he's my husband. Now get out!" She screamed.


I heard the door slam and Alex cry harder into my arm. She hated yelling, coming from her or at her, "Goddammit I can't do it alone,".

I can't do this to her, wake up Mike!

**** Chris' POV***

She's beautiful. You can't forget her.

Why can't you get over her?

She doesn't like you Chris!

I banged my head against the wall of my bedroom. I hate staying on my bus when I'm in town, it's stupid.

"I'm such a loser, I left her at the hospital..." I whispered to myself.

Your a fuck up.

You don't deserve her.

She hates you.

She hates you.

She hates you so much.

I banged my head against the wall again, "Shut up!"

"Chris?" A fragile voice spoke, Francesca.

Her tiny silhouette draped over my carpet.

"How did you get in?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Hello to you too," she giggled, "The door was unlocked,".

"Oh, sorry... Hello," I sat up.

She sat on the edge of my bed and looked at me, "are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," why would she care?

"Are you sure? You seem-" I cut her off.

"I'm fine." I said a bit sternly.

"Okay, um.... I was just... Do you want to be alone?" She pulled on the bracelet on her wrist, obviously she's nervous. About what though?

I did want to be alone, but... She is very pretty and I'll never be with my other fantasy, "No, no.. It's okay,"

"I just thought since you texted me that you wanted to go out, it seemed like you were flirt-" I moved next to her, "f-flirting with me,"

I snaked my arm around her waist, "because I was," I whispered.

She turned her head slightly and our faces were inches apart.

"Kiss me," she spoke, barley a whisper.

I looked down at her lips, then her eyes. I kissed her lightly and she sighed, disappointed?

"What?" I asked, sweating a little.

"I thought you'd be more... Aggressive?"

"I am, I just wanted to make sure it was okay,"

"Chris," she climbed on top of me, "it is,".

I kissed her again, more aggressively. She bit my lip and pushed us down so she was laying on top of me.

We made out for a few minutes but I couldn't get her out of my mind.

[sorry, it's short, I have a mild case of writers block]

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