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Ellen's POV

"Sori he's going to take you a hotel you'll be supervised by Namjoon until we know we can trust you" Yoongi signaled to Namjoon.

Sori quickly glanced at me with a worried expression.

I knew I had to stick with Yoongi's decision so I knelt down in front of her and grabbed her hands.

"It's going to be ok, they'll watch over you and make sure you haven't been followed--I'll keep in contact with you" I reassured her.

She nodded and stood up.

"Take care of her" I said to Namjoon as he escorted her out.

"I thought you would oppose" I heard Yoongi say as he sat back down on his leather chair.

"No I can't, you're the boss and you know what you're doing" I simply shrugged.

"Come here-" he wiggled his finger at me and patted his lap.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards him.
He pulled me down to his lap and quickly started kissing my neck.
"I missed you all morning" he said in between kisses.

I felt my breath stuck in my throat as he reached my sweet spot a soft moan escaped my lips.

He smirked and pulled away "that's what you get for leaving me like that last time."

"Aish!" I crossed my arms and walked away.

"If you want it just tell me--" he teased.

"I don't want anything--unlike you always looking at my ass or boobs and biting your lip"

"Well how can I resist when your always wearing tight clothes--besides you'll give in sooner or later" he winked.

"Whatever--" I opened the door.

"Now where do you think you're going" I felt him grab my wrist and push me against the wall I felt his hot breath on my face.

"I'm hungry" I kissed his cheek and smirked "hurry or I'll leave without you"

We arrived at a pizza parlor and sat in the corner.

I sat across Yoongi and stared at him eat slice after slice "that's what happens when you skip breakfast" I mumbled.

"I'm fucking hungry" he said after swallowing the last bite of his fourth slice.

"So what happened in the morning?" I asked as I sipped on my water.

I waited for him to swallow and clean the corners of his mouth with the napkin.

"He wants to meet with me "talk business" in his house" he said before gulping down his soda.
"I want to go" I reached for his hand "I feel like I have to--face him"

He stared at me before nodding and kissing my hand.

"But you're staying by my side the entire time" he said before grabbing the slice on my plate "you're not going to finish this."

"Ugh you're such a pig" I leaned back with my arms crossed over my chest.

"What are you talking about! I'm hungry I haven't eaten and besides the only pig we know is Jin"

I giggled and waited for him to finish.

He looked at his phone then at me.
"You ready?" he stood up and held out his hand.
I felt my stomach turn but took a deep breath and took his hand.

"Remember if you start to feel uncomfortable you can come back to the truck--besides we're just going to talk."
I nodded still feeling my heart in my throat.

After a while we arrived at what used to be my house.

We walked to the front door before Yoongi turned to look at me.

"Stay out here with Koosung and Jonah--let me see how things are in there and make sure there's nothing suspicious."

I nodded as he lifted my chin and kissed my cheek.

"Alright if everything seems calm bring her inside--five minutes" he ordered Koosung who just nodded.

I stood next to the guards as I saw Yoongi walk in followed by Hoseok and the rest of the bodyguards.

After what seemed an eternity of waiting Jonah sighed loudly.

"Don't be scared Miss--Yoongi won't let them hurt you" Jonah put his hand on my shoulder.

"That's not what I'm scared about--I'm just worried that I won't be able to control myself and beat the shit out of him as soon as I see him"

I took a deep breath before following them inside.

Hey guys sorry I've been lagging on the updates I got really sick so I've been 90% of my time at the doctor's.
I promise that starting tomorrow I'll start updating because it's about to get real in this story!
And the playlist is almost done so look forward to that.

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