Somebody that I used to know

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Somebody that I used to know

Once upon a time there was a girl and a boy.

They were friends.

Then best friends.

They did everything together, they were like two puzzle pieces – they just fit.

Once they were old enough to know what it meant- they both realised their love for one another.

For years they continued their platonic friendship, never crossing that sacred line just in case they got burnt.

On a cold winter’s morning, the boy crossed the line.

Year after year passed and they were as happy with each other just as they had been when they first confessed.

But then reality took over.

Doubt, jealousy and distrust reared their ugly heads.

Their trust was crushed and with it their friendship and love had all but been forgotten.

One day on a cold winter’s morning, years later, the girl waited for the bus with her friend.

The boy stared at her and saw her clearly for the first time in years.

The friend asked ‘Who’s the boy staring at you?’

The girl replied ‘Somebody that I used to know.’

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