The Man & The Bartender

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A man approached the bartender, wanting to make a bet.

"Hey, I'll bet you $200 that I can pee into the shot glass all the way on the other side of the counter."

"And what if you don't make it in?" asked the Bartender.

"Then I'll pay you $200." The Man replied.

"Alright then." The Bartender agreed.

The Man then proceeded to unzip his pants in an attempt to pee into the shotglass, but not one drop made it in, even as he peed all over the Bartender.

Then the Bartender laughed and said, "Well, I guess you owe me $200 then."

To which the Man only replied with a laugh as well, and walked over to a group of men, to whom he talked to for several moments before walking back to the Bartender with $200 in his hand.

"Why are you smiling? And why were you talking to that group of men?" The Bartender asked.

"Oh", the Man smiled, "I made a bet with them before I came to you. I bet them $1,000 that I would be able to pee all over you, and you would still be smiling."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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