chapter seventeen

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I sat in Roy's hotel room and tried not to think too much of Michael. It wasn't that big of a deal. I would only be overthinking the situation now that he knew. It didn't effect anything.

Regardless, I still avoided my room where Calum slept. We all watched a movie and each time Calum would text
me I would lock my phone without a response to him. I felt bad for bailing on my band last night so I devoted all of my time towards them, plus I wasn't in the mood to talk to Calum.

I started to drift off to sleep and before I knew it I was waking up to Roy's snoring. Light slipped through the bottom of the closed curtains. I tried to adjust to waking up by blinking the tiredness away and rubbing my eyes. I finally sat up and decided to go back to my room. We had a day off today, but most of it would be spent driving to Belgium for tomorrow's show. Either way, I was excited to relax and sit around for a day.

When I walked in to the room Calum was getting out of the shower. He had a towel wrapped around his hips and his hair was wet and messy. I stopped dead in my tracks, realizing how naked he was under just the towel. A blush creeped up on my face as he stopped.

"Keturah! Sorry, I didn't think you'd be up right now," He said with pink cheeks.

"It's okay," I let out an uncomfortable laugh. "I couldn't sleep in.." I wanted to look down at his abs so badly, but checking him out would be far too obvious.

"Me either," he sighed. He threw a shirt over his head and I bit my tongue. He walked in the the bathroom but didn't shut the door the whole way."Hey, I was thinking.. since we have the night off, wanna do something tonight for our date?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

"I haven't done anything normal like this in forever, so I'm actually really excited," he explained.

"I've neve-" I stopped what I was saying and said, "Me too."

"We're you just about to say you've never been on a date?" He poked his head out the door.

"No," I lied, trying to fight off a smile.

"Liar," he smirked.

Thankfully he didn't make a big deal about it. I already felt like a loser. I moved to my things and put away what I had taken out before. I sat down on the bed and sighed. I was still a bit tired, even thought I didn't have to wake up as early today. I thought of going to the gym, but the laziness got the best of me. I looked through my phone and started getting inspiration to write a song. I grabbed my guitar and messed around with a set of chords until a melody started coming to me. I dug down into my emotions to find out what it was my mind was telling me to write about.

What I loved about writing was the fact that it helped me release tension. If I felt frustration or anxiousness then writing a song about the cause of these feelings helped me to get things off my mind. I Almost forgot Calum was still in the room until he walked out. He stopped to watch me but I noticed and started to feel nervous under his watch.

"No, keep going!" he encouraged. "Were you writing a song?"

"Yeah, but I don't know what about yet," I sighed.

"Cool," he nodded. "What have you got so far?" he asked.

"Nothing. I have no words yet."

"I'm sure you'll think of something. Your lyrics are usually amazing," he told me. "Did you run today?"

"No, I just woke up ten minutes ago," I chuckled. "Besides, too lazy."

"Me too," he sighed and fell on to the bed. "I'm exhausted."

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