Detention of the Freaks

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We're going to try this;

Summary: Idk. I fold. 


Cameron slung his bag down on the desk in front of him as he sat down. He pouted like the rich kid he was raised as, and begrudgingly took the pencil and paper Ms. Briggs was offering him. "A hundred sentences before you can leave," she said sharply, then began back towards her desk. What a bitch, Cameron thought with a smirk, no wonder she isn't married.

As the brunette started to copy down the sentence written on the board for the first time, he let his thoughts wonder. He honestly couldn't believe he was in detention - he wasn't that kind of kid. He was Cameron Goodkin - the name summed everything up. Despite being a rich kid, he had never been a bad kid, and kept a three-point-nine GPA.

It hadn't even really been his fault...

A loud noise made Cameron shoot up in his seat. A blonde girl - wait, was that her? - had sat down a couple seats in front of Cameron, placing her right in front of his bag. Ms. Briggs looked unamused with the girl, but said nothing, instead just placing a pencil and paper on the blonde's desk and giving the same instructions Cameron had gotten.

Cameron looked down at his paper, noticing he had only done three sentences. He sighed, and went back to writing. This hadn't been how he wanted to spend his Saturday.

He had covered with his parents by saying he was going over to Linus' house, and that was partially true. He was going over there for Settlers of Catan, just as soon as he finished - one more down, yes - ninety-six more sentences.

Another noise startled Cameron, and he once again looked up. Ms. Briggs was getting up - and, for that matter, packing up. The lady - considerably large lady if Cameron was honest - was gathering all her stuff from her desk in the library. She looked over to the two kids. "You two are the only ones here," she said in a scratchy voice, "and I've got a hot date to get to. Leave your work on my desk. Feel free to do whatever the hell you want, I just need to know you did the work." Then she left.

Cameron was beginning to appreciate Ms. Briggs a little more.

He was a dork, to be honest. Having free range of a library was like letting a kid into a no-tokens-needed Chuck E. Cheese. The sooner he could finish these next ninety-six sentences, the sooner he could take a look around without having any teachers poking around behind him. God, this isn't why other kids get excited about empty libraries, is it?

But as tempting as the empty library was, the girl in front of him was even more tempting. Not in a sexual way, but more so in an intriguing way. I have to know if it's her, Cameron thought. He then did the most embarrassing thing he had ever done in his life.

Cameron tried to clear his throat, but his throat was pretty dry, so it ended up being more of cough. This grabbed the girl's attention, but not quite in the way Cameron had hoped for. By the time Cameron had recovered from his coughing fit, the blonde had turned back around, her ponytail facing Cameron.

Knowing he couldn't pull that trick again, he took a chance and yelled out, "Kirsten!" He immediately flinched at his own stupidity (she was two fucking desks in front of me, what the hell am I doing with my life?).

Kirsten turned around, giving Cameron a bored look. "What, Goodkin?"

Cameron flinched again, this time in hurt. They had been friends once. More than friends. And now he was nothing more than "Goodkin."

Kirsten got annoyed by the silence, and said, "I said, what, Goodkin?"

"I- I just- hey."

The only other person in the library - the only person Cameron really even cared about right now - rolled her eyes. "Hey, Cameron," she replied, her voice softer than it had been a moment ago.

"We never talked," Cameron told her, trying his best to not shrink under the girl's gaze.

Though, with every word Cameron said, those deep brown eyes softened a little.

"Okay," she said, "Let's talk."


Haha nope, that's all y'all get.

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