Fighting For Love (Nash Grier Fan Fic)

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Everything in front of me is a blur. I stumble over a chair. "When did that get there?" I ask very intoxicated.

I look over my shoulder and out of the corner of my eye I see a boy with blue eyes. He looks over at me as I trip over the damn chair again. "Are you okay?" the blue eyed boy asks. "Im fine." I say with a slur.

"What's your name blue eyes?" I wasn't sure if the boy was talking to me. "uhh it's Jessica."

"I'm Nash. Nash Grier." Nash was tall, blue eyes, dark brown hair and a perfect smile. "I swear I've seen you somewhere!" I say in a weak voice. "you might know me from vine? I'm pretty much famous." maybe that is where I remember him! Nash? Nash! "you have a brother! his name is Hayes!! " I say with a crack in my voice. " Yeah. So you do know who I am. Maybe, we could go out tomorrow?" I wasn't processing anything right. "sure I would Love that." I grab his phone and put my number in. I text myself. I hear my phone go off. I scream. "That was your phone." Nash giggles. "oh pssh I knew that." I start to laugh. I start to feel dizzy. I rush to the sink. Once all the waste from my stomach is gone I wipe my face off. I feel a tight grip on my hips. The strong hands pull me to the dance floor. I turn to see who it was and it was Taylor Caniff. "oh my gosh! YOU'RE TAYLOR CANIFF!!" I say fan-girling. "Yup that's me! Haha. I saw you talking with Nash so I decided To go all mr steal yo girl on him." Taylor says with excitement in his voice. "I'm sorry Taylor, you're perfect and all, but I'm going to find Nash." I say with a whine. Taylor grabbed me and pulls me towards him. "You won't go anywhere!" an angry tone slips out of his cold lips. "You're mine now! and you're not going anywhere!" I feel his grip tighten. My breathing begins to become heavy. A tear slips down my cheek. "What are you doing!" I hear an angry voice scream. "Nash!" I turn to face the once soft, gentle, sweet talking boy who is now a red faced monster punching, who everyone thought was his best friend, in the face

Nash grabbed me gently and asked if I was alright. "I'm fine. but can you get me out of here.?" I say almost in tears. " Grab your stuff and we'll go." I hustle to grab all my belongings. we rush out the door into Nash's car. Nash is driving as he asks "Where exactly are you staying?" I gave him my address. As we pull up to my house I sigh in relief. I was finally home. "Thank you for the ride home Nash." "No need to thank me. I'm glad I could" he said in a strange voice. "Would you like to come in for a little bit Nash? My parent left me when I was 14. So you don't have to worry about anything." Nash nodded.

As soon as we walked into my front door Nash crashed his lips to mine. I tried to push him away but his strength was to much for me. I decided if I can't fight i'll just go along with it. Nash and I ended up in my room making out. I didn't want to get to sexual. So I told him we should probably go to sleep. Nash didn't stop. I finally pulled away and turned my back to him. He came up behind me and started to cuddle with me. I fell asleep in his strong arms.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I was confused because no one lives with me. I couldn't remember bringing anyone home last night. I went to the kitchen to see who was cooking. I started to fan girl. "OH MY GOSH IT'S NASH GRIER IN MY HOUSE COOLING FOR ME!!" he sat there giggling at me. "I brought you home last night and stayed the night. And you weren't up yet so I decided to make you breakfast. I hope you don't mind." I smiled "Why would I mind someone making me food.?" He smiled. After we finished eating I went up to my room to get dressed. I heard a knock at the door. "Nash will you get that?" he replied " Yeah babe!" I herd a scream. "OMG YOU'RE NASH GRIER!!!" I laughed. As I was walking down the stairs I saw Haley my best friend fan girling about Nash. I walked over to Nash and kissed him on the lips. Haley started to freak out. "Haley. Sweetie. Breath. Nash is just like any other guy." She started to flip. "HE IS NOT LIKE ANY OTHER GUY HE IS NASH GRIER!! DO YOU KNOW TAULOR CANIFF I LOVE HIMMM!!!!" Nash an I both laughed!! " Yes I do know Taylor. I could hook you guys up.? I mean if you wan-" Haley cut him off "YES!!"

I took out my phone and looked through my contacts. I saw Taylor Caniff. I don't remember getting his number.

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