I cant take it anymore ch.102!

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Riker:And who?

(Rydel looked down)

Rydel:Um nobody

(Right at that time laura walked in she sat down)

Laura:Where did ross go

Rydel:He kind of mad and stormed out


Riker:Why did you break up with him

(Laura wanted tp up and screamed and shout at him throw a freaking tantrum)

(But she calmed herself)

Laura:Um i think we needed a break

(She faked scratching her chin and looked down)


(He walked over to her)

Riker:So vanessa had to go to set you want to go the movies with me

(Laura looked up at him and raised her eyesbrows)

Riker:As friends promise

Laura:I should really be looking for ross-




(Right then ross walked in)

Ratliff:So did you have a nice tantrum?

(Ross flipped him over)

Ratliff:Ow thats not nice

Riker:Laura we need to leave soon i want to get there early

Laura:Okay i'll get ready in a few minutes rydel could get ricky?


(She walked to ricky's nursery)

Ross:Wait where are y'all going?

Laura:We are going to the movies

Ross:I thought you were dating vanessa

Riker:I am vanessa had to go to set so i thought i would take laura instead

Ross:What about rydel?

Riker:I-Sh-rydel didnt want to go

(Rydel walked in with ricky)

Rydel:I didnt want to go where

(Riker turned around)

Riker:Hell rydel hell

(He said very serious)

(Rydel looked confused)

Rydel:Um ok?

Laura:Can i see ricky

Rydel:I dont know i like holding him


(Rydel passed ricky to laura)

Laura:Im gonna give ricky a bath

Ross:Me too

(Laura looked behind at ross and bit her lip)

Ross:Your really not gonna let me help with my own kid

(Laura rolled her eyes)

Laura:Come on

(They walked to ricky's nursery)

(Laura sat him down and got his clothes and diaper)

Ross:Ill start the bath

(He said firmly)

I CANT TAKE IT ANYMOREWhere stories live. Discover now