Chapter 5

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"Emery wake up!"

"Girl, you're going to be late!"

For some reason I fall on the floor. That reason is Tasha who is shaking me trying to wake me up.

"Hey! Why are you screaming?" She's talking really loud and my head is pounding. I rest my head on the pillow and send her away. 

Wait! How did I get here?

Last time I checked, I was at the frat house...

"I'm not screaming. I'm speaking at a regular tone of voice." She remarks by helping me get on my feet. Man, my head hurts. "C'mon, you need to get up."

"How did I get here?" I asked looking at my clothes. I was wearing a different t shirt and I was still wearing sneakers, but one different from the other. 

How much did I drink?

"A guy drop you off. You must have been really drunk. He said you passed out and your cousin told him to bring you here" she explained while applying mascara and curling her hair. 

So Addy is still alive? Thank god!

"So Addy's okay?"

"Yeah. She wasn't as drunk as you were but she must had had her fare share of drinks." She threw me a dress and heels. "Take a shower and dress that, you don't want to be late on your first day, do you?"

"I'm not wearing this shit." I threw it back at her. I'm with a hangover but that doesn't mean that I'm wearing a fucking dress.

"Uh, yes you are. You kind of didn't unpack, so I did that for you. Hope you don't mind. I have a thing for organisation." She apologised but I was looking at the pink dress Tasha had threw me and remembering of how I left it on the NOT BRINGING pile of clothing.

"Wait." I stood up and walked to the closet. When I opened it I found only dresses and skirts.

Please tell me it's her clothes and not mine...

"Tasha please tell me this is all yours and my clothes are hidden somewhere." I closed the door and started opening drawers. "Please tell me, my mom did not swich my clothes." I placed my hand on my forehead and sat on the floor.

"I'm sorry. But you only had those in your bag. Your shirts and your other pair of jeans are in these drawers." She pointed and I took out my black skinny jeans.

I'm going to kill my mom for replacing my clothes when I wasn't watching, but right now, I just want to take a cold shower and an Advil.

"What time is it?" I asked when I was about to leave the room with everything I needed in my arms. 

"Its almost eight."

"Fuck." I ran down the hallway only to find a huge line. My first class stars at eight fifteen and I'm not showered or dressed properly. I'm screwed.

As I walked in, I passed in front of a few people and showered real quick. I'm still with this awful headache and I'm running like crazy.

Tasha is taking behavior analysis and her first class is on the other side of the campus so she can't accompany me to class. 

I have advanced biology now and I have no clue of where the building is. I could call someone, but I think I forgot my phone on my nightstand. My first day has been amazing so far.

It's fuking eight fifteen and I'm still running like a crazy person in this enormous campus, grandpa Ken couldn't have a smaller one? Did it really have to be this huge?

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