Fully Explaining The Unfinished Explanation

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"There was only one choice, but somehow, you found another loophole." - Unknown

It was a sunny day with barely any clouds in a miles distance. The weather was not matching my mood, but instead emphasizing my discomfort even more. I woke up to rays of sunshine poking through my curtains. I was an early riser but I didn't mind it that much considering I liked taking my time getting ready before starting my day. All was well until... I stubbed my toe. And what a hard stub that was. I'm pretty sure I woke up my neighbouring dorms in less than a minute.

Today was the day I officially started all of my classes and I was pretty excited. The only thing that was holding me back was the conversations and rumours that had already spread from the last few days. Did Alex really make that big of a difference here.

Someone knocked on my door lightly as if they didn't really want to be heard. Never the less, I opened it revealing some of the familiar faces.

"Good Morning," Emily said barely over a whisper, "Is it okay if we come in?"her eyes were filled with hope and I didn't want the awkward silence of everyone behind her to continue. I pull the door back to make it wide enough for everyone to rush in.

We all stood in silence for a couple of prolonged seconds,but due to my personality of course I plastered a smile on and started the conversation.

"So what's up? Anything happen?" They all looked at each other slowly finding seats and settling down. I know they're trying to say something, but it just wasn't coming out.

"We just want to know everything." Siobhan blurted,probably without thinking. Everyone gave her panicked looks and flustered faces.

I fiddle with the loose strand from my shirt and start coming up with my WILL just in case. I need to give my clothes to Jessica. My shoes to my dog. My diploma to the trash....

"I think what she means to say is, we just want some sort of explanation to... help us understand it more."

Why'd they have to come like this.  Why today. It feels like this whole thing is too dramatic. I'm not a teenager in middle school. There is no petty fight, well at least I don't think there is.

Maybe... just maybe... it was the best choice to start everything and end it at the same time. They keep asking for no reason. Why not.

"Alexandra Knight is my biological sister. She is older than me but not by much. I'm sure she told you about our parents," deep breathes Aspen... deep breaths. In my mind I've told this story about a million times to friends that were curious, but I knew they would never meet her to ask her for her side of the story.

" When my parents were officially pronounced dead, we had no other family to take care of us. She was old enough to become emancipated at the time but I wasn't. She decided to cut off all ends with me and go get a new family.
In the 'incident' she got away with a few scratches. I had to go into intensive care but I had no money for any sort of treatment. Luckily, sponsors funding saved my god damned life. I was hospitalized for a couple of months and decided to become emancipated afterwards. My process was approved and I became my own parent. I lived on my own,got a job, went to school... I haven't heard a thing from her ever since she was collected from her adoptive parents. I basically fast tracked my life."

"Is that it?" Logan asked with excitement , almost as if it was some story time.

I nod my head a no, warning for him to be patient.

"Years later without any contact from her, she actually came to look for me... but the only reason she did was to take me off of our family registry." I don't continue to let that sink in.

Saying this story, I no longer get mad. I don't cry. I don't get embarrassed. Its nothing to me anymore. Because this is what made me who I am today. It made me work 100 times more harder... and nothing can change what happened.
Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while. I have this finally up and it is a dramatic one at that. Tell me what you think about it! I will absolutely upload another one in a couple of days because I want to continue this explanation a by more, I know you guys have a lot of questions so just drop them anytime and I'll be doing a Q&A or answering them privately. I'm always open!

Got any question? Ask here!

Luv you guys ❤️
- Suis-

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