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Hi there! I just wanted to thank you guys for reading this book and giving me feedback on it.
I ultimately enjoy reading the comments and giving you guys more chapters. Which is why I kind of feel bad for what I'm about to say.

This story is going to end at some point. There's no stopping it. To be honest, I thought about ending it after Toby became a Proxy, but I decided to carry on with the story.
I'm not sure when exactly it will end, but I'll give you guys a heads up before the last chapter. This is definitely one of my longest books on here (Creepypasta Headcanons doesn't count because it isn't a story) and I really really like writing chapters for it. But the thing is: I can only do so much at once.
I feel bad because I can't give you guys certain days on when I'm definitely going to update and I DO have a social life. It may be small, but it's there.
Working on three main stories all at once is beginning to take a toll on me. As I've mentioned before, I'm usually up until 2 in the morning trying to get a chapter up for you guys.
Now, I do realize that it would probably be easier if I worked on the stories with somebody else. But I refuse to do so. My mind is always working and popping out new ideas for my stories (Thank you ADHD) and if I worked with someone, they probably wouldn't be able to keep up. Plus, they might be a bit mortified at how morbid I can actually be.
So, yeah, that's all for now. And again, I'll let you guys know when this is about to end. Homo out.

-Cecil >^.^<

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