Pot Of Luck

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(Yes I'm placing a small warning at the start here. This is completely satirical and just some jokes that my friend David and I have come up with in our streams. They are purely meant as jokes as I know how butt hurt people on the internet can be.)

David's POV

I had finally flown over here to England. Even though I think Kay and Micky should have fucking come to me instead but he doesn't get to come over that often. I mean he get's to be here a bit more often since getting with Simon but that just made things hilarious for me.

Kay: "David you haven't met them yet have you?"

David: "What the SideMen? Nope. Spoken to JJ once when Michael was with me. But aside from that they have no idea what to expect."

Michael: "Think we should keep it that way?"

I had met the two of the mat the airport as they needed to pick me up. I offered to take a taxi but I didn't know the address.

David: "Remind me again why I need to be on my best behaviour."

Michael: "Ok I won't lie. Simon knows what to expect, The others not so much."

Kay: "Just try to contain yourself at first before taking them apart. Or if your going to say fuck it and walk in leprechauns blazing. Then at least try to save the roasting for later."

David: "The only roasting going on will be your ass after taking some curry."

Michael: "DAVID!"

The three of us started to laugh at my joke. I probably should have warned these guys but they knew what they were getting themselves into.

Kay: "Not going to lie.I'm scared about JJ and Tobi."

Michael: "Why do you say that?"

David: "I don't need to roast them. They did it themselves."

Kay: "Oh my god really?"

I heard Michael start to piss himself laughing. That's the thing I've learnt and why Michael and I get along so well. We will make jokes about anything and fuck the consequences. If someone get's offended then we would explain the joke and tell them we mean no harm. Aside from that everything is for the sake of comedy.

Michael: "Not going to lie. I'm almost jealous I haven't thought of that one on my own."

Kay: "Literally the first thing you said after a blackout, Was where the fuck JJ was?After we all looked at you confused you made a joke about losing JJ in the dark. I'd say you made your own jokes. I'm surprised he didn't punch you."

Michael: "He laughed,You all laughed. I'd say I win."

David: "I'm so proud of you."

I pretended to wipe away a fake tear that had fallen as the two started laughing.

David: "Are they all going to be there."

Kay: "Yeah, Apparently they have to record a group video for something related to eggs."

I snickered to myself and I knew Michael was thinking the same thing I was.

Michael: "Wait till we get there."

Kay: "What are you two on about now? I swear you both share one mind. You know they say your soul mate tends to have the same thoughts and nags at the back of your head."

David: "Well your fucked then aren't you Micky."

Micky: "I'll ask Simon later."

I couldn't help but chuckle at our little exchange. I was getting a little antsy. I felt bad for Kay who had to drive us. But she insisted so I wasn't going to complain.

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