Chapter 24 - Tears Are The Symbol Of Pain

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Had to put that. Don't ask why.
I'm not sure wether the chap name is actually relevant to the chap. It's just this chap has some amount of crying etc.

I'm hungry.

One tear.


Then another tear.

Then again another sniffle.

I'm pretty sure that by now, it's obvious that someone's crying. Unfortunately, that 'someone' is me.

I'm not generally one of those people who'd cry at little things, because Cass has always been there to support me, ever since I was eighteen. That time, I was not the one you'd ask an advice from. My decisions was irrational back then. Cass got me to the right path and showed me how wrong I was.

She always used to tell me that how much she wants to find her significant other, girl or boy, she didn't care. Cass did have a boyfriend earlier, back in high school, but he was just not the one. He didn't cheat on her or lie to her or something, she just didn't find him special enough to give him a place in her heart and that became the end of their relationship. And now, she thinks that Asher could be the one for her. She finds him quite charming and just perfect.

I used to think that life was meaningless. Cass told me that life is what you think it is. She encouraged me to live, and eventually we both became dependent on each other for every little thing. She's the closest best friend I ever had and probably will ever have.

And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lose her soon. I was about to lose the single person who gave a shit about my existence.

Another tear came rolling down. At last, the dam broke and a waterfall began flowing down on my cheeks.

I didn't wanna tell Cass all this. All I wanted to do pretend that this never happened.

"Jess?" I heard a soft whisper. Asher. I stopped sniffling and crying almost immediately.

"Are you awake?" He whispered again. I pretended to be asleep because I really didn't want him to see me in this condition.

"I guess not," he muttered and gave a big yawn. Right then, an obnoxious tune echoed in the room out of nowhere. I wanted to shut my ears but I couldn't even do that, or else he'd be aware that I'm awake.

"Damn..." I heard Asher mutter.

"Hello?" He spoke after a while. Oh, that song was his ringtone. He so needs to change that tune.

"What'd you want?" He whispered, angrily.

"Fuck off."

"Yes, she is."

"None of your business."

"I know."

"I don't give a shit."

"She'll realise soon."

"I'll make her realise."

"You can't stop me."

"That's the only thing you have. But remember bud, no one loves you. Get it?"

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