Chapter- 1

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"My lumps (x3) my lovely lady lumps-."

I groaned, hitting the mute button on my alarm. I sat up sleepily and stretched.
What was today? I peered at my calendar across the room. Monday, ugh. But there was something scribbled under it... my birthday? My birthday! How could I forget today's my birthday.

"Alina you're 16!!" My mom shrieked as she barged in my room. She has a knack for that.

"Moooom!" I whined, flinging the sheets over my head. Only for her to fling them back.

"You're going to find your mate today!" She all but squealed.

"You don't know that. You didn't find dad until you were 18." I corrected her. She ignored me and went to my dresser.

"What are you doing?!"

"You should wear these today just in case."

She pulled out the sexiest thong I had. She bought it.

You see, my mom isn't like others. She wants me to go out with guys, party and all that. We are the exact opposite. All the pack members told me that my mom used to be a total bad ass.

"I'm not wearing those." I told her. Mom gave a small pout.

"Suit yourself birthday girl." She put down a muffin on my desk and left.

I changed into jeans, a sweater and some boots. I put my dark brown hair unlike my mom's who was pure blonde, in a topknot and grabbed my purse. I was told all the time that I never needed makeup but they could have been lying. I went downstairs and my two brothers, Hudson and Brian, tackled me in a bear hug.

"Wow little sis! Did you grow taller?" Brian asked. I laughed and pushed him away.

"Ooh looks like Alina got stronger too!" Hudson chimed in. I rolled my eyes.

"Will you guys shut up already." My dad said and kissed my cheek.

"Happy birthday princess."

I was his princess, considering I was his only daughter. Brian got the Alpha title because he found his mate before Hudson. I didn't really think it was fair, but Hudson loves being the beta so it worked out good.
I said my bye's and went outside to see my cousin, Layla, waiting for me in her car. Layla is a few years older then me, but she lives next to my high school, so she offers to drive me.

"Someone is finally a big girl now." Layla says and I laugh

"Isn't your mate going to be an Alpha or beta? Something like that." Layla checks her hair in the rear view mirror.


It was true, that if you had a blood line of Alpha's or Beta's, your mate is most likely to be one also. Like my mom, she said her parents were beta's and now she's mated to a Alpha.

We pulled up at my school. It was mostly werewolves and a small percentage of clueless humans.

"Bye!" Layla said and I returned it. Getting out the car, I was swarmed by people.

"Good morning Alina!"

"Happy birthday Alina!"

"Hope you find your mate today!"

People bombarded me. I was popular. But it was only because I'm the alpha's daughter. They wouldn't even notice me if I wasn't.

"Move out the way people!" I heard my best friend, Chrissy, Shouting.

"We are coming to save you!" Her mate, Jax, told me. Jax hoisted me over his shoulder and brought me to where we hang out before school. Under the oak tree. I fell off of his shoulder and slumped under the tree.

"Your such a nerd Alina." Chrissy said, eyeing my outfit.

"She's a popular nerd." Jax corrected.

"Am not!"

"You know what Jax?" Chrissy asked him.

"What Chrissy?"

"I think it's the nerds birthday!" She said excitedly.

The bell rung signaling for us to get to class. Jax helped me up and we started walking in school.

"Bye babe." Jax kissed Chrissy and went to class.


"Yeah?" She was trying to get a piece of bubble gum out her red hair.

"What if my mate rejects me?" I said nervously. Chrissy stopped dead in her tracks.

"Alina, that would never happen." Chrissy said seriously.

"You sure?"


We went our separate ways and went to class. I made it just in time. The rest of the day went by fast and I couldn't wait for lunch. I sat down by Jax and Chrissy along with some of their friends. There was a wonderful smell in the cafeteria today and I was drawn to it.

"Do ya'll smell that?" I asked.

"The only thing I smell is that lunch lady's Armpit sweat." Jax said.

I looked to the lunch lady who had a big sweat stain around her arm.

"No, not that. It smells really good actually." I told them and they shared a knowing look between each other.

"Follow the scent." Chrissy said with a grin. I stood up and looked around. It was coming from the east side of the cafeteria. I started walking over. I knew what it was, the scent. It was Chandler Jones.

'Mate!'My wolf barked. I smiled sweetly but he looked at me funny. Did I have something in my teeth? I started walking over but he stood up abruptly and stormed out the cafeteria. What was wrong?

'Mate is mad. Go see.' My wolf instructed and I followed him. He spun around on his heel and we were facing each other. My god, he was so hot. His hair was light and hung just under his eyebrows. He had a structured face, with beautiful green eyes. He was tall and fit, everything an Alpha possesses.

Why wasn't he checking me out like I was to him?

I came closer to him but he backed away. I stopped.

"Don't." He ordered.

"I don't understand, I'm your mate!" I said confused. Chandler shook his head.

"No. I can't have a mate." He hisses.

"I- I'm sorry.." Tears were forming in the corner of my eyes.

"No, I feel sorry for you."

The tears were rolling now. I knew this was going to happen. Then he said the words that I wished my mate would never say.

"I, Chandler Jones reject my.. mate, Alina Wood."

And with those words he left.

Left me and my heart to break.

Hope you like the Sequel so far! I'm so excited to write it. Tell me what you think. I was so happy I already got 100+ reads on the first chapter. Thanks guys!
Ig- Gabbyw00d
Xoxo, Gabby

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