Chapter 2: That's nice

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I blinked; a bright light hurt my eyes. I blinked a few more times to adjust my vision. I felt a burning sensation on my wrist; I saw huge handcuffs on them. I stood up, I was in a prison cell, I was dirty and gross slim covered the grey concrete corners.

Thump Thump Thump

My head feels heavy. The pain throbs and pulses in my skull, not a sharp pain like a knife-inflicted wound, but more of a dull pounding with a hammer over...and over...and over again. My brain feels like it's on overdrive, but at the same time can't process properly. Images and ideas and plans and deadlines run through my head, but they're chasing each other round and round. My mind can't catch a single one, but gets pounded with all of them at the same time as they ricochet and slam into the walls of my skull-

"You're awake" I looked up to see Cade

"Where am I" I was baffled, one minute I was fighting now I'm here

"Welcome to the Red wood Pack Prison, we've been expecting you Annika-mae" He said with a sinister smile

"What's wrong with you this isn't a movie 'we've been expecting you' you wanna be Bloefeld from Bond so bad" I mocked him

I sat down behind the bars sighing how I could kill thousands of mutts but not Cade. I so need to train more.

"What do you want with me?" I looked up at Cade

"It's not about what I want you, it's about what the beta wants with you, but if it was up to me I'd kill you right now and hang your dead body on the edge of the forest so as an example to the other hunters. But I can't I have to wait for the Alpha" He smirked

"You think just because I'm locked up, I'll be an easy kill?"

"Well yeah"

"You underestimate me mutt"

"What did you call me?" oooh looks like I hit a nerve, I turned to see his red face staring at me menacingly

"Mutt, why do you like the name vermin better?" I smirked

"Shut up or I'll kill you"

"But you can't you have to wait for your alpha," I teased "Stupid system, let's all bow down to this guy just because, it's kind of a dictatorship reminds me of Hitler. Humans had the same system but we got smarter and decided on democracy. But only mutts would keep this system."

I watched as Cade fought his wolf, his eyes slowly going black. He ripped the cell door off his hand sizzling from the silver. I stood up and ran to back of the cell. Cade shifted into his wolf. He slowly walked towards me. He lifted his claw ready to cut me. I stared at him dead in the eye, there was no way I would show him I was afraid. As he brought he claw down, I quickly raise my hands, he sliced through the handcuffs but he caught my cheek.

"Thanks" I smirked

I ran away from him to try and get to the cell door. As I reached there I saw another guard down the hallway looking at me. I ran back into the cell forgetting about Cade. I bumped into Cade and fell on my back. He raised his head get ready to bite me. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact.


I heard a bloodcurdling growl at the cage entrance. I opened my eyes to see a huge black wolf attacking Cade. I took my chance and ran out leaving the two beasts to fight. I ran down the hall all the other inmates chanting "Go" and "Come back for me" obviously I had to take a bow to the other inmates before I left ran through the door.

I made it out the door, I looked around someone caught my eye a guy came charging at me. I ran towards the woods, I push through the leaves with no hesitation. I don't bother looking behind me. I can hear him. His paws. His heavy breathing. He's chasing me. And he's catching up. I stumble over sticks and logs. It feels like I've been running for hours though it's only been a few minutes. These woods seem to be endless. I tried my luck and looked behind me. I saw him the beta, a branch hits me in the face and I scream. I fall to the ground, hitting my back on a log and losing my breath. I gasp for air, but nothing comes in.
"You can't run forever!" his raspy voice screams.
He's not too far behind anymore.
I gulp and get up. I glance around in all directions. Where can I go? Everything looks the same. I shake my head. Every second I waste here, he gets closer.
I dash to my right without thinking. I swerve through tree after tree, through bush after bush. This isn't going to end, is it?
A tree root snatches my ankle and I fall to the ground screaming in pain. I've fallen to the ground. This is it. He caught me.
I hear footsteps getting slower and slower until they finally stop. He's behind me now.
"Found yo-"
I hear a loud punch, and tense up.
I turn around and see a tall man in a basketball shorts punching the beta, blood spurts out of his mouth. The man has his back turned to me, so I can't see his face.
He gives the beta one final punch, and he falls to the ground. He stands with his shoulders lifted, huffing and puffing. He looks towards me.
I brace my back on the base of a tree trunk.
"Well... thanks for that I'm going to get going". I say attempting to stand

"You can't leave"

He has beautiful chocolate eyes, with jet black hair. He shows no expression. The power from him clearly showing he is the Alpha. He squints his eyes at me and tilts his head. The man walks toward me. I start to back away hastily.
"Wait. I'm not going to hurt you." His calm, deep voice says.

What kind of backwards weirdo is this, I've killed over half of his people and he doesn't want to hurt me. Yeah right. Maybe he doesn't know who I am.

He offered his hand to help me get up, something was pulling me to take his help, he was alluring, but I've been trained to well I know these mutts try to capture girls hearts and take them away. They did that to my old friend Iris, she gave herself to them about a year ago, haven't seen her since.

I turned up my nose to his hand and got up with the help of a tree trunk. The man's eyes didn't leave me; I could practically feel his eyes burning into me.

"What do you want" I spat

"Many things, but right now I need you to come back with me"

"Are you insane, or just not caught up on the current situation"

"Come on this is how you thank your saviour with sarcasm, didn't your mother teach you better"

"My mother's dead"

"Sorry to hear" he says looking down "However I insist you come with me"

"Yeah and why would I do that"

He began to walk towards me but I held my ground. He stared into my eyes before quickly wrapping his hands around my waist and bringing me closer.

"Because you're mine" he whispered

I looked up at him and pushed him away

"As if..."

"Mine" "As if..."Where stories live. Discover now