chapter twenty-four // constant state of confusion.

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linley's pov

Soft movement on the bed causes me to slowly float back into consciousness. My skin feels sticky with sweat as I feel two warm bodies pressed against me, causing me to stretch rather uncomfortably. The movement in the bed stops as I let out a satisfied moan as my back cracks. 

Slowly, I open my eyes, blinking rapidly to adjust to the brightness around me. The first thing I see when my eyes focus in to  my surroundings is Zayn lying next to me, wide awake as he stares off into the distance. 

His eyes flicker up to me, meeting my own gaze. I watch as the corners of his lips turn up, probably in amusement to my sleepy appearance. I can't help but to smile as well, observing his own hair stuck up in every direction. 

Feeling too warm to be comfortable, I sit up slowly, my body still heavy with sleep, weighing me down. I sit up and throw the warm blanket off of me, instantly being able to breathe once the thick fabric is off of my sweaty body. 

"Good morning," A deep voice rumbles from the other side of me.

Momentarily forgetting where I was, I jump slightly. I look over to see Jonny smiling at me, still looking as handsome as always. 

"Morning," I croak, my cheeks turning a deep shade of pink, embarrassed that he's seeing me in this way. 

The bed jiggles once again, causing my attention to turn to the other person cooped up in this bed with us all. I watch as Kenzi gets out of bed, walking around in clean new clothes, looking almost even more beautiful. Jealous heats up in the center of my chest. I try not to think about her lying next to Zayn the entire night, knowing it'll ruin my entire day. 

As I peel my eyes off of Kenzi as she throws her hair up in an effortless bun, my stomach growls loudly, causing my cheeks to darken once again. 

"Hungry?" Jonny asks me, wearing that same charming smile of his. I nod sheepishly, earning a chuckle from Jonny. 

"Why don't we go get some breakfast for our guests?" Kenzi speaks up, turning everyone's attention to her. 

Great, she's beautiful and really nice.

Jonny looks up at her, then his gaze shifts over to me. I can see the conflict in his eyes. If he's trying to hide them, he's doing a rather horrible job at it. It's obvious that he doesn't want to leave my side and that makes me question myself again. Am I living in a dream right now?

 "Yeah, sure..." Jonny nods hesitantly, biting his bottom lip as he shoots me a sad smile as he rolls out of bed. 

"Thank you so much," I smile, my eyes stuck on Jonny, causing his sad smile to transform into a genuine one. 

Zayn and I watch the two of them shuffle out of the tent in complete silence. As they leave us alone, we fall back into our ever-so-comfortable mood. I feel as if I can breathe freely, no longer having to worry about not embarrassing myself a hundred percent of the time. 

I even see Zayn relax as he stretches his long limbs out in bed. With a pleased smile on my lips, I plop back down on the bed.

"It's so nice to wake up for once and just be able to relax," I murmur, turning on my side so I'm facing Zayn. 

"Mhm," Zayn murmurs in response, sounding as if his mind were far, far away from this moment. I can't help but to watch him carefully, studying his crinkled eyebrows as he looks at me with a look of confusion and concentration. 

I've lost count the number of times I wondered what was going on inside Zayn's head. 

"Did you sleep well?" He asks, taking me by surprise. 

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