Theodore & the Bridge Miscalculation

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Theodore & the Bridge Miscalculation
(17 years old)

"Oh shit!" Felix called out, watching as his blunt slipped through his fingers over the edge of the bridge.

"That was still half a blunt, dude!" I said, throwing my head back in laughter. "That fucking sucks."

"Give me a hit of yours, dude."

I blew out a puff of smoke, shaking my head. "I'm almost out. Just roll another."

"How in the hell did you end up with five grams, bro?"

"My mom still gives me an allowance. Can't complain, she funds my weed account."

Oliver came ambling over, his blunt dangling from his mouth.

"Where the fuck did you go?" I asked, dealing my arms on the bridge edge. "We looked for you."

"Took a piss, enjoyed the view."

"Of the piss?" Felix asked, and I cracked up all over again.

"You two have had way over your limit."

"Okay, dad," I dragged out, before taking another hit.

"You done for the night?" Oliver asked Felix.

"He dropped his blunt over the edge," I said, peering down below. "Tragic really."

"Did it still have weed?"

"Yeah," Felix said, with a drawn-out sigh.

"So are you jumping or what?"

"Fuck no."

"He has a point," I said, twirling my blunt around. "Stick the landing and I'm sure it's just right there."

"Among the rocks you stoned motherfucker."

To be fair, I'd started smoking like way before the two of them today. And I was feeling good.

"You pussy ass," I said, shoving my blunt at him. "Finish this off, I'll rescue yours."

"You think you can stick the landing stoned?" Oliver questioned.

"Jesus, are you always like this? I've already got one dad up my ass, I don't need another."

"Just checking, bro."

I clambered up onto the bridge, taking a moment to steady myself.

This was a lot higher than I remembered it to be, fuck.

"You good up there, bro?" Felix asked.

"Just peachy."

I squinted down below, recognizing my usual landing spot void of rocks.

And with that I jumped.

Except my judgment was apparently off, because my knee rammed directly into the rock I was trying to avoid.

I let out a loud groan, clutching my knee as I rolled over in agony.

Fuck that hurt.

"Theo, hey man, you good?" Oliver's voice asked, fairly close.

"I don't know, man."

My voice sounded oddly far away.

"Oh, dude, that's gross," Felix's voice said. "Fuck."

"Okay, um, just breathe. I'll figure this out," Oliver promised.

I cracked one of my eyes open, glancing down at the knee I was cradling.

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