Unpleasantville (Edited)

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(The Salvatore Boarding House)

Bella's POV.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm on my phone going off, I reach over and turn it off without even opening my eyes. I then roll over to my left and I bump into something, I open my eyes and I see Damon lying there all casual. I immediately pull up my blanket over my chest.

"Damon, what are you doing here?... I'm almost naked under here, get out!" I shout at him whilst getting out of bed and wrapping the blanket around me.

"Oh come on, it's nothing I haven't seen before" He tells me, and I look at him confused as he then get's off of the bed and heads towards the door but stops as he opens it "By the way, Stefan dropped off some of your clothes Elena gave him this morning, if you'd like I'll drive you to school since your car isn't here, and you don't have time to walk since school starts in under an hour." He asks me eyeing me up and down.

"Fine... now get out!" I yell at him once again while throwing a pillow at him, but he leaves and closes the door before it hits him so it hits the door instead then falls onto the floor.

(Skip to Mystic Falls High School)

After Damon took me to school, the next few hours were pretty much boring, but I think that was because I couldn't find Lincoln anywhere and I wanted to see if he is to go to the dance tonight. After school I had finally found him talking to Tyler and Matt, so I'd decided to go over and say hi.

"Hi guys." I say to them as I walk up to them, and they all turn to look at me, but Tyler keeps eyeing Lincoln for some strange reason.

"Hi Bell." Matt says to me "Oh crap, I have to go and help Caroline with the poster for the dance, I'll see you guys later." Matt tells us, then goes running into the school.

"Yeah, um I gotta go too, I need to get ready for tonight, bye Bell, I'll see you later Lincoln." Tyler says as he leaves me and Lincoln just standing there.

"So Lincoln, how did you end up meeting those two goonies?" I ask him as I start sitting down on a nearby bench, and he soon joins me.

"Well Tyler is a distant cousin of mine, his dad is my uncle, but I have my mother's last name although I'm still a Lockwood. And I've only just met Matt, he seems like a great guy" He tells me, I never thought of Lincoln as the Lockwood type, all the Lockwood's I know have very bad anger management issues. That's one of the things me and Tyler have in common.

"Well that seems interesting, um... Are you going to the decade dance to tonight?" I ask him, and hopefully we can dance together.

"Uh, yeah, I have to drive Tyler since his dad took his car off of him so I decided to go with him as a wingman." He tells me.

"How about I see you there, and maybe you could save me a dance?" I ask him flirtatiously.

"Sure, can't wait." He tells me as we both stand up "I'll see you tonight." He says to me as I nod in reply and he walks away.

I don't know why but I suddenly get butterflies in my tummy every time he smiles at me, and it seems like it's only us two in the world that matters when I'm with him. I think I'm really falling for him.

(Skip to the Gilbert Residence)

After I got home, Elena told me about everything that happened last night with the picture of Katherine, and with Stefan and how he was there the night of our parents' accident. In the end I ended up crying on her shoulder for about a good ten minutes, but in the end I was able to pull my self together so we could get ready for the dance. I had also told her about Lincoln being a Lockwood and how he is going to save me a dance.

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