Prologue (Redone)

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Umi groaned as another contraction hit her, even worse than before. Sweat covered her forehead, nurses running back and forth in the hallway like ants.
"Come on honey it's not much further" Karachi said soothingly as he held her hand tightly.  He wouldn't show it but he was worried for his wife and future son.

Unlike the first two children her third child was being a difficult birth, taking much longer than before.
"Don't worry you two everything is going to be fine"  the doctor in charge said looking at the man who was holding his wife's hand very tightly.

The nurses were on either side of her, using their healing jutsu to ease the pain and trying to speed the birth along.
"Karachi I can feel him he's coming!" She groaned even louder.
"Quickly now there he is!" The doctor exclaimed. Soon the hiccuping of a baby began to echo along the room.
Umi's heart was filled with joy as she held her son close to her, making sure no danger came to him.
"Honey, bring  in Kay and Kai they should see their new brother" She smiled . Karachi nodded and went outside for a moment before bringing his sons in.

Kai, barely 5 years old, was holding onto his 8 year old brothers hand as they walked in. Kay looked at the infant in his mothers arms as she hugged him gently.  At first glance the newborn was not much to look at,  bald, pudgy and a face like a potato.

Kay already felt love and affection to his baby brother and cracked a rare smile.
"Here Kay, hold him for a moment" Umi said gently placing him in his arms.
"Look Kai, our little brother is here" he beckoned to the little boy next to him.
"" The little boy said looking at the baby in his arms.
"Yes, now as the big brother you have to promise to protect him with me as I promised father when you were born, ok?" He said, as he got down on his knees for his brother to have a closer look.  Kai touched his little brothers nose gently and smiled when he squinted at it.
"Ok big brother, I promise I'll protect him no matter what".
"Good", Kai smiled.
Karachi chuckled,
"Its going to be a handful keeping you three in check at home, I'm sort of hoping he was a girl!"  Kai and Kay laughed as their mother joking punched him in the shoulder.
"What are you gonna name him Mama?" Kai said, as he held onto his mothers hand.

Karachi and Umi looked at each other and smiled. "We've already decided his name before he was born haven't we dear?" Umi said as she looked at her husband
"Yes, His name is...  Kama Arashi!"

Don't worry guys this is just the prologue! Hopefully you'll find the next chapter more exciting and there's plenty more to come!

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