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The next morning I was eating breakfast with Bucky. We were talking about why Valentín's people were attacking my friends.
"What do you think is going on?" Bucky asked me while eating toast.
"I don't know but we need to be on high alert-."
Just then a siren started to go off  added with gunshots. Instinctively, I threw my body over Bucky's and threw him to the ground.
"They're close!," I warned him. "Stay down!" I knocked the wind out of him so he was trying to catch his breath. I cloaked myself so I could zip past unnoticed. I made sure everyone was safe on this floor and made my way to the commotion. Two floors down I found the people who were the cause of this.
"Where are they? You guys said they would be in this room!"
"They probably moved!"
They were looking for my friends. "Hey!," I startled them.
They whipped around. "Who's-?"
I disarmed them and knocked them out. I went downstairs to where the cage was, there were agents running towards the exits.  When I got there, it was a bloodbath. Everyone who was in their way was killed. The people in the control room, some guards and a few agents. The people who were being kept in the cage weren't there except the younger boy named Jackson. He was dead. I noticed the eldest girl named Evie was on the ground as well, brutally shot. I ran over to her to see if I could heal her but she had already passed. Terrified to go forward, I went next door to where they were keeping Fernando. More gunshots went off. I sped in and gasped. Vanessa, Steven, Michael, and James had been viciously attacked and killed. I grabbed the guns from all of the men.
"What do you want from us?," I shouted.
"You," the one in a janitor's costume replied.
"They told us you will lead us. You will help us."
This is getting way out of hand. I knocked them out and threw Fernando back into the cage. I saw Garrett and the little girl named Suzy were still alive. "This is complete bullshit!" I stormed away. People are dying because of me. My friends are in hiding because of me. How can I help these people if they're gonna end up dead? I went over to the other room, anger taking over. These poor people never had a chance. But the mutants did, how could they have been killed if they had their powers? I leaned down towards Evie's body and looked inside her mind. Using the mind swap ability I was able to enter her mind and see her last moments. She, I was in the cage and I could feel my heart beat faster. I heard shouting and then it turned black. Like someone turned off the sounds, my sight, and feeling. I left her mind and gasped. What the hell? I looked around to find everyone looking at me.
"What are you doing?" Fury asked disgustedly.
"I... I was trying to see if...," I was a bit shaken. What happened? People were crying and trying to escort the bodies out. I got up from the pool of blood and went over to Bucky.
"Did you find anything useful?"
I jerked my head towards the corner so we could talk privately. He followed.
"I was in her mind but before I could see what happened it went cold, and dark."
"This has never happened before?"
"No, never."

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