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It has been about a month since Harry moved into the pack house and everything seems to going good for him. Harry has since told Liam and Niall about his past and they are proud of him for doing everything that he has for himself. Him and Louis have been closer too and they are now official dating.

It is a Friday evening and Louis is planning on taking Harry out for a date tonight. Liam and Niall know that Louis wants to make this a permanent relationship, but they do not know what Harry is feeling. Louis has planned to take him to the brook that Harry always goes to and have a picnic. Niall has come to help Harry pick out an outfit for the date, because he knows where Louis is taking Harry for the date. Liam is helping Louis get everything ready at the brook and they are talking about a lot of things.

Liam asks him if he is planning on asking Harry about being his mate and bond with him. Louis tells him that he wants to tell Harry that exact same thing. He is just not sure if Harry feels the same way toward him and Liam assures Louis that he does. Louis asks how does he know and Liam tells him that he sees how he looks at him. Liam tells Louis that he needs to get home and get ready for the date that he has been planning for a couple of days now.

It is now around 6 pm and Louis is going to get Harry from Niall's room so they can leave on their date. Louis is nervous about the date because he wants Harry to be his mate and to be with him forever.  Harry is nervous because he wants Louis to be his forever and he wants to mate and bond with him. Louis knocks on Niall's door and Harry opens it to see Louis with a smile on his face. Harry is dressed in a pair of blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and a light jacket; Louis is dressed in a pair of black jeans, a blue shirt and a light jacket. Louis takes Harry hand and they leave to go on their date.

They get close to the brook and Harry sees that there is a picnic set up on the edge of the forest. Louis leads him to the blanket and sit down, then pulls Harry to his lap so that Harry's back is against Louis' chest. They sit there and talk about nothing in particular until Louis leans up to grab the basket to get out their food. There is chicken alfredo, wine, and fruit. Louis feeds Harry some of the alfredo after pouring them some wine. When they are done with the alfredo, Louis grabs the fruit and feeds some of it to Harry. He takes bites between what he feeds Harry.

As it gets later, they cuddle back up on the blanket and look at the stars. Louis looks down at Harry as he is looking up to Louis. They are both thinking about asking the other to bond and mate with each other, the other just has no idea that they are thinking the same thing. Just as Harry is starting to speak, Louis pulls him in for a kiss. When the kiss is done, Louis asks Harry if he would like to mate and bond with him. Harry gets tears in his eyes, because some one wants to be with him forever.

Louis pulls Harry further into his lap and puts his arms around him and asks him what is the matter. Harry tells him that he is happy that someone really wants to be with him and he also tells him that he was thinking the same thing. Louis tells Harry that he is a wonderful person and who would not want to be his mate. He goes on to tell Harry that he is beautiful and he has wanted to mate and bond with him since he saw him for the first time at this very spot.

Harry and Louis talk about when they want to bond and mate. They decide that the next time that one or the other goes into rut or  heat, that is when they are going to do it. Louis tells Harry that they will keep it between them for now and once it is time, they will tell the others. Harry tells Louis that his next heat in about 3 months because he has it  every 6 months and he went into heat when he first got to town about 3 months ago. Louis tells him that his rut is due in the next couple of weeks, so please be prepared for it.


It has been about a week and a half since they talked about bonding and mating. Louis knows that he is due for his rut in the next couple of days, so that night he tells Harry that they need to tell at least Liam and Niall. He tells him this so that they know to leave the two of them alone during this time. Harry tells him that they should tell them tonight after dinner and Louis agrees with him.

That night after dinner is done and everything is being taken to the kitchen to be cleaned, Louis tells Liam and Niall that him and Harry really needs to talk to the two of them. Liam tells him that they should meet in the office in about 15 minutes, so Louis and Harry head on in. They wait until both Liam and Niall are in the office with the door closed before Louis talks to them. Harry goes and sits down in Louis' lap and the other two go sit in the chairs in front on them. Louis tells them that him and Harry have been talking and they have decided that they are going to mate and bond when he goes in to rut in the next few days.

Liam and Niall are really happy for the two of them. Niall asks when did they decide this and Louis tells him that they talked about it when they went on their date a couple of weeks ago. Liam asks Harry what is he going to do about his job and Harry tells him that he has told his boss that he will be quitting. He goes on to tell him that him and Louis have been talking about it since they decided and Louis tells him that he would like to stay at home. Niall asks when is Harry's last day at work and Harry tells him that today was his last day.

Harry tells Louis that he is getting tired so he is going to be heading to bed and he will see him soon. So Harry gets out of his lap and heads to their bedroom, while Louis stays in the office to talk to Liam and Niall a little bit more. Once Harry is gone, Louis tells them that once his rut is over, he is going to propose to Harry by the brook. He tells them that he is going to need help planning and setting up the area. Liam and Niall both tell him that they will help with whatever he needs. Niall asks if he already has the ring and Louis tells him that he does and he shows it to them.

They tell Louis that Harry is going to love it, because they know that since he moved into the pack house, he has been dressing a little bit more feminine

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They tell Louis that Harry is going to love it, because they know that since he moved into the pack house, he has been dressing a little bit more feminine. Louis knows that when they are in bed all that Harry wears is a pair of lace panties.

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