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Forty-Eight | Something About You

A/N - Of course it isn't

Light immersed itself through my eyelids as I gained conciousness. I let out a soft groan from my lips, my body aching. I could feel a hand stroking my hair. I opened my eyes and blinked at the brightness of the room, it was day. I let out a long breath wondering what had happened.

I turned my head to see Klaus was sitting behind me on the living room sofa of the Gilbert house. I then remembered about the bite and almost dying. I sat up and wiped across my lips, staining my hand with blood.

I looked at the red substance on my skin in surprise, "You saved me."

"Did you ever doubt I would?" He asked.

"Thank you." I replied.

"So... you said you don't hate me?" Klaus asked. I got up off the sofa and started walking away, "Would you stop avoiding me? You obviously feel something for me. Let's talk about it."

I turned around in the other room. Klaus was now stood up, "I can't talk about it, Klaus. I can't. I just can't."

"And you thought I couldn't express my feelings." He said, walking up to the barrier.

"I can't talk about it because one of your brothers just got murdered, the other used me and has left and then you were going to kill my friends -- "

Klaus interupted, "But I didn't."

"But you were going to, Klaus. Look, we're noth -- " My phone started ringing. It was Elena, I instantly answered, "Hey. Did something happen?"

"Jeremy got kidnapped. We searched for him all night but couldn't find him." She told me.

"What? Tell me you're joking." I frowned.

"I wish I was. When we got back from looking for Jeremy, Shane and Bonnie were gone too. Shane needs Bonnie to cast a spell on Jeremy's tattoo in order to find the cure, and he managed to sneak them both out from under our noses."

"Knew he was freaky. And where's Damon?" I asked.

"We had an argument. I thought he was just taking a walk, but then when we went to the beach, we saw signs of a struggle." Elena replied.

"So, you're saying someone took him. Was it Shane?" I questioned.

"No, I mean, he's not strong enough to take Damon on, even with the element of surprise. He must have someone or at least a few someones helping him."

I sighed, "Oh God. I wish I was there to help."

"Well, maybe there's something you can do from home." Elena said.

"Sure, anything." I replied.

"So Shane's looking for the cure. We think we can find him. We have pictures of Jeremy's tattoo, but we just can't translate the map." She said.

"You can't unless... you get the Hunter's Sword from Klaus." I replied, turning to look at him. An annoying, wicked grin spread across his face.

"Exactly." Elena said.

"I'll find it, don't worry." I told her, "Just email me the pictures. I'll call you back."

"Thank you, Cassie." She said.

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