Chapter 4B

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I left work around 6:30, leaving me plenty of time to have a quick bite so I didn't look like a pig out with Alex tonight. Hannah had been texting me throughout the day. I should have known that she blabbed to Alex that I told her about everything between us because Alex called her in a panic worrying about making everything flawless tonight. He really didn't have to go overboard though, I'm a really easy going person. I dont need flowers and chocolates and expensive dinners to like a guy. And I already knew Alex, I liked him enough to be friends with him for 15 years so far. If I hated the guy I would have been long gone by now.

I decided to stay dressed as I was at work. Alex seemed to like my outfit and I was already comfortable in it, so it was a win-win situation for me. He had shown up at my door a few minutes before 8. He looked extra handsome tonight. His Glamour Kills shirt, blue jeans, and a leather jacket on top completed the outfit. This is what I liked about Alex, we could be so casual on this date and not have to pretend or fake anything to one another. Once I grabbed a jacket for myself, we were off.

I still hadn't known what he had in mind for tonight. The route that he was driving led to many things. We could have been on our way to a restaurant, or the bowling place I havent been to in forever, the beach...this route lead to pretty much everywhere.

"So where are you taking me tonight anyways?" I finally asked.

"You'll see soon."

"Not even a hint?"

He shook his head side to side. Alright, I guess I'll be surprised then.


"Best. Idea. Ever." I said to Alex as I finished off my steaming hot pretzel. Alex had taken me to the fair! Every summer from May to the end of September, the fair would be set up right next to the beach and they had some of the best fair food and games.

"Really? So good first date then?" he questioned intriguingly.

"Hey now, we've only been here for an hour so far. I cant give my verdict until the end of the date." I smiled proudly at him.

"You know you're really cute when you do that, right?" he said as he wiped a bit of melted butter from the corner of my mouth.

"I'm cute when I do most things" I replied back realizing how close he was to me. Part of me wished he was going to kiss me, part of me wished the opposite.

"Yeah? Are you cute while playing the fair games too?"

"Let's find out" I said. I felt myself hooking my arm around his and guiding the two of us towards the various games.

I had to admit that this was probably within my top 5 best dates of all time. Alex and I played almost every game there was to play. From basketball shooting to whack-a-mole, we had a great time at each game.

"Okay, theres only one left that we havent played. The ring toss, are you up for it?" Alex asked as we continued to walk around.

"How about you just play it? I'll sit this one out." I replied. It was past midnight and I was starting to feel a bit sleepy even though I was having such a good time.

"What? No, come on we'll bet on something, make it more interesting for us. Unless grandma over here is too tired for another game." he mocked me after he saw me yawn.

I couldn't give in so fast, and so what if I missed out on a few hours of extra sleep tonight, I was having the best time. "That's it Alex, you're on. What's the bet?"

"Let's see..." he began thinking.

"If I get a ring on the bottle, you have to buy me another cotton candy and we start heading home" I put forward my idea.

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