Chapter 17

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Eliazer King's POV

Looking at myself in the mirror is one of the worst things I could've done. I knew what I looked like, yet I couldn't stop what I saw beyond. Beyond my face, beyond my eye was a story only Jared knew. I trust him, he's like a little brother to me, a little brother I never had. The door opening and closing brought my attention.

I didn't bother looking, the atmosphere told me everything. Bryn paused mid sentence, and I know what she was looking at. She was looking at the scars that covered all around my upper body and torso. The scars that I'd grown used to in the years of my life. Some were simple, some were terrible, some were just as bad as others.

That's what I was looking at in the mirror.

My story, my life, my battle.

Everyone goes through pain, they just go through it under different circumstances.

"E-Eliazer." She said. I didn't bother looking at her. She felt pity, pity that I detested. I grabbed my shirt, hastily slipping it on. Afterward, I sat on the edge of my bed, looking at the desk in the corner of my room.

"Those-uh, those are the newspapers of that killer, right?" Bryn asked, referring to the newspapers I had taped to the wall in my little corner.

"Yeah," I mumbled, looking at them. The murders of the men and women that were the same.

Eyes and mouths sewn shut, died of asphyxiation.

Bryn took a seat next to me, awkwardly sitting down straight. At some point, she slumped, looking around the room. "Very neat for a guy." She stated.

"It turned into a habit." I bitterly said. It wasn't directed towards her, but I think she understood that.

"No pictures? Nothing on the wall?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I have nothing to put either way. Don't own a camera either." I replied, leaning my elbows on my knees.

She hummed. "That's gonna change." She said, more to herself.

Gonna change?


Bryn Atkinson's POV

We were back in school, everything normal. Almost as if there was a shooting two weeks ago, leaving me dumbfounded at how people move on quickly with their lives.

How can a person do that?

I was walking through the hallways trying to get to lunch when a certain someone purposefully got in my way.

"Hello there Kegan." I greeted. She looked me up and down, distaste in her eyes.

"Atkinson." She replied. I made no movement, she didn't either. I held my ground, she held hers.

"So, do you know how much I dislike you?" She stated, obviously wanting to start something.

"Oh, I know a prick when I see one," I said snarkily.

"You sure it's not you?"

"I'd slap you, but you know, shit splatters," I replied, getting up to her face. Kegan's ears had begun to go red, anger evident on her face.

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