Chapter Eighteen

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I sat on the bench, swinging my legs. I sighed to myself. What was I going to do now? I had nowhere to go: I'd put my family in danger if I stayed there; Aunt May was dead; no one from school liked me anymore. I could always find a hotel and stay there, I guess. But then I'd be putting innocent strangers at risk, so that wasn't an option anymore.

     I groaned and leaned back, covering my face with my hands. What to do, what to do... One thing was for sure, though: I needed to destroy Phoenix. I didn't care if I died in the process, he just needed to be gone, or imprisoned forever.

     I heard voices nearby. They sounded somewhat familiar, but I couldn't tell exactly who it was. I shrugged it off.

People were screaming. Fire surrounded a camp, and a tiny army blocked the entrance. At the front was a boy, grinning sadistically. 

     Another boy ran at the cruel boy, but he couldn't get past something. An invisible force field. It momentarily flashed yellow as the boy came in contact with it, but faded away quickly.

     "Just give up, Ashton," the first boy sneered. "You'll never win."

     "Maybe not," the second boy replied angrily, ramming into the barrier again. "But I'd rather go down fighting than just sit here and do nothing.

     "Brave," the first boy commented. "You know, you could do well with the Goldbloods."

     The second boy scoffed. "I wouldn't join the Goldbloods even if my life depended on it."

     The first boy raised his eyebrow. "You'd rather stay with this?" He gestured to the flaming camp and panicked people. "Unorganized people?" He looked around, smirking. "By the way, where's your saviour?"

     The second boy bit his lip and stared at his feet.

     "She didn't come?" the first boy asked with fake incredulously. "Wow, what a shocker." He laughed cruelly. "It's a shame I have to kill you, Ashton. You could have done so well in the Goldbloods." He shrugged as a ball of flame appeared in his palm. "Nice knowing you." He prepared to throw the flame at the second boy, aiming for his heart.

I opened my eyes, gasping. My visions always came unexpectedly and left me with a tiny headache. It wasn't the best thing ever, but it gave me the information I needed. Right now, that information was that Phoenix knew where the Powers were, and he was planning on destroying them once and for all.

     I stood up quickly, looking from left to right. I realized then that I didn't know which direction I had come from, where I was, or where the camp was.

     "... headed to the camp right now," said a voice I now recognized. I mentally groaned and advanced towards the voice. If I was going to get to the camp and warn everyone, I needed to know where exactly it was, and where exactly I was.

     "I can't tell you where it is," Phoenix's voice scolded. "There could be eavesdropping." Silence for a little bit. "I'll meet you in front of... Yeah, sure, that works. Bye."

     I caught a sight of him, and he was just putting a phone away. I quickly ducked into a bush nearby as Phoenix glanced up so he wouldn't see me.

     "Phoenix," Abaddon called. "Time to go."

     I peered through the leaves and branches to see Phoenix standing up.

     He smirked. "I can't wait to destroy the Powers," he said nastily. "They'll never see it coming."

     As he walked away, I muttered to myself, "Not if I can help it."

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