Positive Support

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Thankfully, my scenes in South Africa were soon finished a couple weeks after my doctors visit. Those meds the doctor gave me actually helped a bit. Horrible, depressed thoughts entered my head less frequently, so I could worry about other things. I still felt guilty and uncomfortable with Connor, who still hated me just the same. I guess the psychiatrist in LA would help me out with that. Maybe someday, I could hold Connor without feeling so empty and ashamed. I was looking forward to that day, even if I knew it wouldn't be coming around for a long time.

Leo saw that something was different about me, but never got around asking me what happened. He had his suspicions, I could tell, but he respected me enough not to ask. Someday I would tell him. Someday I would tell everyone. I just wasn't ready to admit my condition yet. Heck, I still felt shamed about it, even with Elijah. He just always pictured me as a loving, doting mom, not one who disliked her child like that. Elijah kept on insisting that it wasn't my fault, but it was so hard to listen to him. My hormones were still too out of control to do anything else.

It felt so good to be back home. I missed our house so much. I almost forgot how peaceful and quiet it was, and how you could faintly hear the ocean waves nearby. Elijah grinned at me as I collapsed on our comfy bed and buried my face in the pillows. He jumped on the bed and I craned my neck to gaze at his shinning eyes. God, he was so handsome. Sometimes, I was so used to his presence that I forgot how lucky I was to be with someone so handsome. I couldn't help but reach and lightly outline his eye socket, where that black eye came from so long ago. We both had come so far since then, done so much together. It was a wonderful thing, being so close with him for so long.

"Thank you," I whispered to him, sheepishly returning his smile.

"What for?" he wondered. "For suggesting the perfect bed?"

I chuckled. "No, for being a perfect husband."

Elijah laughed and played with my curls. "Well, it's not hard with a perfect wife."

"I'm not perfect," I pointed out, "I'm far from perfect. You know that."

Elijah shrugged and shook his head. "Not to me."

"Not with this depression thing," I said, "it proves I'm the opposite of perfect."

Elijah sadly smiled at me and rubbed my back. "Some illness does not mean anything to me. I wouldn't care if you had cancer or something. You would still be flawless to me."

I rolled over so that my head was nestled in his chest. I breathed in that strong scent of pine-wood I loved so much, and felt his arms wrap around me, enveloping me in a blanket of security. He was seriously the sweetest man everyone wanted in life. I was the luckiest woman on the planet. Elijah never had an idea of how blessed I was to have him.

"Told you I'm always right," Elijah playfully sneered.

I giggled and nibbled on his jaw. "Maybe you are," I muttered.

Elijah kissed my forehead. "And don't you forget that, Kitty Kat," he jokingly warned me. I giggled again and lovingly kissed him.

He broke apart the kiss and gazed right into my eyes. "I love you so much," he softly whispered, kissing every inch of my face.

"Me too," I murmured. Elijah brushed some strands of hair out of my face and kissed me a little fiercer, causing a moan to ripple through my throat. His hands made its way to my lower back, pushing my waist close to him.


Elijah insisted on coming with me to my first doctors visit, so we could both assess him together. We dropped Eva and Connor off at his mom's house and drove almost an hour to the expensive part of LA, where his office was. Let me tell you, I felt like a complete movie star at that moment. Only really rich people hung out in this part of town, and Elijah and I barely came here. Even though we had a lot of money, we still wanted to act sensible and normal with it. Over half of our money went to charities and our children's college funds.

The Movie that Changed Our Lives (Elijah Wood/LOTR FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now