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Louis yawned, opening his eyes, his lips curling up in a smile when he's greeted with Harry's bare chest. He closed his eyes once more, letting out another yawn.

Louis turned around, Harry's grip tightening around him. Louis looked down, seeing he was only in his boxers and so was Harry. He must've forgotten changing due to being so exhausted yesterday.

"Haz, I need to pee." Louis whispers, trying to get out of Harry's grip. Harry lets go of Louis' waist, rolling over.


Louis arrives home, ensuring that he had none of Harry's clothes on so his parents had no lead on where he'd been.

"Hi Louis." Jay said. Louis didn't respond, he just smiled before walking upstairs. He had no school for the next three days for the New Years break.

Later that day, Louis and Harry were skyping, not talking about anything in particular. "Harry, five days." Louis whispered, looking at the date on the top of his screen.

"I know." Harry responded, a sad smile on his face. "I'll miss you." Louis said, realizing that he wouldn't see Harry in a long time after he goes.

"Y-you don't have to leave." Harry whispered, eyes meeting Louis'. "It's not up to me." Louis replies, eyes saddened.


Today was Louis' last day at school, he had cleaned up his locker and said goodbye to everyone. He was leaving tomorrow at 1 o'clock so wasn't able to come to school.

It was currently lunch time, the boys wanted to have the most fun they could but they just couldn't. They really weren't up to it, Louis was leaving in less than 24 hours, he was leaving forever.

He couldn't change that, he wished he could but he can't. He honestly didn't expect his dad to go through with it, he thought that his mother loved him more than to just send him away but he was wrong.

No one loved him. Except Harry.

Harry bought Louis lunch today, wanting to cherish their last day together. "Let's sit with everyone." Harry said, hoping that there was still space at Liam's table.

Louis and Harry introduced themselves to Liam's friends: Perrie, Josh, Jade, Luke, Ashton, Michael and Calum.

Louis was surprised when he found out that two of the popular guys were openly gay, Luke and Ashton were dating.

Louis frowned, seeing that there was only one chair left on the table. "I'll jus--"

He was interrupted when he was pulled into Harry's lap, cheeks bright red as majority of the cafeteria was staring at them.

"Don't care what they think." Harry whispered into Louis' ear, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Louis just smiled, he felt at home. He felt like Harry was his home.


"Bye Lou. I can't believe you're actually leaving." Niall whispered, seeing Louis' driver pull up.

"Me neither." Louis said back, giving Niall one last hug, assuring him that he'd call often.

Harry walked in front of him, the two boys in a tight embrace before letting go, Louis' eyes glistening with tears.

Harry presses a kiss to Louis' forehead "Shh, it's not goodbye." He says, blinking to stop his own tears.

"I-I'll come to the airport tomorrow. I don't care what your dad says." Harry says, an annoyed look on his face.

"We're never gonna see each other again. And if we do, my dad's probably gonna ensure that I have an arranged marriage." Louis says, his tears making Harry's t-shirt wet.

"It's fine, I promise."

I love you, I promise. Harry thought.

A/N: goddamnit Harry, just say it! Hahahaha, please vote and comment!

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