Chapter 10

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I forgot we had a quiz about history.

I woke up with the sound of moving papers.

"Kuro,what are you doing and what time is it?"

He turned around.

"Uh, homework and it's 3am"

I get up and see that I was on top of the bunk and Yamaguchi was on my bed.

"Did you try to wake up Yamaguchi?"  I yawned.

"Nah,I didn't want to bother him."

"Ah..." I looked around the room and my eyes focused back on Kuro.

"Since you are awake do wanna get some early breakfast?"

I did really needed to study and I was a bit hungry...

"Sure, where to?" I changed into to formal clothes.

" about Jack in the box?"


As we got out the room Oikawa was there.

"What the hell are you here at 3am?" Kuro yelled.

"Kuro, please stop" I tugged his arm.

Oikawa smirked.

I widened my eyes.
Is this a joke to him?

"Well, I wanted to the libary." He smiled while he looked at me.

I flinched.

"Well, on my way then, oh, wait why are you still awake at three a.m.?" He said with a grin.

"You know the libary is closed till ten o'clock." Kuro said as he clenched his fist.

I started to worry. I hope he's not gonna turning this into a fight.

"Oh, really?" Oikawa said with a fake smile.

This is odd...

"Ah, then let's keep going to our normal lives and pretend this never happened." I said as I moved both of my hands up and down. They created a bad aroma.


This is bad.

Kuro broke and just walked away. I tried to keep up to him.

"Oh, you running away? Chicken much?" Oikawa crackle until something grabed his shirt.


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