Chapter 20 | Just Another Kass Attack.

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  Chapter 20 |
Just Another Kass Attack.

  I walked away from my locker feeling a little bit down. I was confused and frustrated at the same time, why did seeing Wally and Sara together bother me so much?

Those thoughts were still running through my head when I walked into my Marketing class. I scanned the room for an empty seat, only to discover Kassandra sitting in the back.

A smile began to form on my face as I made my way towards her. Once I made it to her I placed my books on the empty desk besides her, which seemed to snap her out of the trance she was in, and she looked up at me with a glare.

"What do you-" She started to tell me off, but stopped midway when she realized that it was me.

I grinned down at her and took my seat. "That's a good way to greet your friends."

She just rolled her eyes.  "I thought you were someone else, you know I only treat you with love. "

I laughed, shaking my head. "I actually didn't know you went to this school. How long have you been here?" I asked. Trying to rack my memory of seeing her in the halls or in any of my classes.
Kass looked at my and raised a brow. "Since freshman year, like most people. We didn't share the same circles, heck you don't even have a circle." Kass explained. "No offense."

I shrugged, "None taken. It is the truth." I barely knew anyone in this school, even though I've been here for four years.

Kass shook her head, resting her hand on my shoulder. "Now that you're hanging with me, things are gonna change with you young grasshopper."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know it's the first day of school but we have work to do, now quiet down." The voice of our teacher interrupted the conversationand signified the beginning of class.


After the first four classes passed, 3 of which I had with Kass, we both headed to the cafeteria. As we waited in line, I contemplated telling Kassandra how I was feeling about the whole Wally situation.

We both grabbed our lunches, I got a bacon and chicken wrap with a water bottle. Kass got 2 slices of pepperoni pizza and a can of pop. As we made our way to a picnic table outside the school, I decided I would tell her.

"Kass, I need your help.. " I mumbled, not really looking at her. I was afraid of what she would say, would she think I was dumb? And overreacting?

Even though Kass was the closest thing I had to a best friend, we were still new in our friendship. How could I know if I could really trust her? I had been burned before and I didn't fancy going back to that place.

Kassandra looked up, with a piece of pizza in her mouth replied, "Go ahead." It sounded a bit more muffled cause she spoke around her pizza.

Shaking my head I laughed a little, moments like these erased the thoughts of Kassandra betraying me away. She was so genuinely herself, she couldn't fake liking me very well.

"Alright, well today when me and Wally came to school.." I explained this morning to her and how I felt and my frustration. I couldn't tell what she thought because she just had a look of concentration on her face.

When I finished my little story. I asked her, "So, what the heck is wrong with me?"

Kassandra just rolled her eyes. "Nothing, besides having a major crush on Wally. Nothing's wrong with you." She said this so casually.

Me on the other hand freaked out. "What do you mean?  Me? Crush? Wally?" I was freaking out, there was no way I had a crush on Wally. "Kass, this doesn't add up. Where did you even get this idea?"

"Of course it doesn't add up. You don't add words." Kassandra replied sarcastically, taking a sip of her coke. "Stop stressing, from what I can tell, he definitely likes you back."

I froze, Wally? Liking me back?

Did I even want that?  Heck, did I even want Wally?

Kassandra laughed at my confusion, before shaking her head and sighing as she glanced up into the sky. "Oh young love, how sweet is thou?"

Before I could reply, Wally walked up to us. "Young love? What's that about?" He sat down, eating a red apple, and flashed us a quick grin before taking a bite.

Kassandra just smiled. "Oh, no one important. Just a little teenage drama, is all."

Wally raised a prefect eyebrow, "Teenage drama? It's literally the first day of school, people need to give us some time to adjust before dumping their problems on the student body."

Wait a second. Did I just think he had perfect eyebrows?

...he has a lot of prefect things though.

I shook my head as quick as those thoughts entered my head, I needed to snap out of this. Clearly, Kass's words were getting to me.

Wally rested a warm hand on my shoulder, a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay Soni?"

I glanced at Kassandra from the corner of my eye, to see her grinning like a theif, before mumbling a quite. "I'm fine." to Wally.

I'm confused again.


Drop a vote if you guys enjoyed this chapter and tell me in the comments what you think will happen between Wally and Sonya?

Is Kassandra right?  Do they like each other?

If so, do you ship it??

Also check out my new movment gocempowerment

Much love,

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