Chapter 12

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Author's P.O.V
~Large Time Skip~Next Day~

The next morning (M/N) woke up to be very very warm. He tried yo get up to find out that he couldn't move. He looked down to see Aíma in front of him as usual, Neró and Fotiá on his legs and stomach, Terra behind him, leaving him to guess that Ánemos was behind him. 'How did this happen.' He thought. (M/N) got his hand loose and shook Aíma awake. "Yes master." Aíma spoke quietly as to not wake anyone else. "Can you tell me what time it is, because I can't move?" (M/N) asked. Aíma turned his head and looked at the alarm clock. "Its 8:47 in the morning master. I'm guessing its time to get up and get ready." Aíma said as he turned around. "Yeah can you wake them up do I can get ready?" (M/N) asked nodding his head toward the others. "Yes master. Get up you guys master needs to get ready!!" Aíma slightly yelled. The others instantly woke up, got off the bed, and stood in a straight line beside the bed. "Good morning master how did you sleep?" They all asked at the same time. "I slept well thank you." (M/N) replied while getting up and walking into the bathroom. "Hey Aíma pick out my clothes for today we're making the beds for everyone today." (M/N) said before closing the door leaving it cracked. Aíma said nothing as he waked over to the closet. "Hey Terra and Fotiá can you get the closet doors for me? Also Neró and Ánemos can you two fix master's bed while I pick out his clothes?" Aíma asked. They all nodded and got to work. Aíma picked out (M/N)'s clothes and put then on the seat in the bathroom.

~Time Skip~

(M/N) finished up and walked out the bathroom to find everyone on his bed waiting on him. "Thanks for the clothes and for making my bed."
(M/N) thanked them. Aíma had picked out a dark blue F.O.B shirt, black pants, bland and white converse and a black and blue beanie. "I wasn't sure if I wanted a suit our best so I picked this. I'm glad you like it master." Aíma said while getting up with the others. "I guess it's time to go down stairs for breakfast then." Neró said while walking toward the door.(M/N) opened the door and walked to the kitchen and sat down by Lisa. "I noticed that I've never seem you eat. What do you guys." Toby said looking at Aíma. "We eat soul's." Ánemos said quickly. Some people looked shocked for example Toby, Jeff, BEN, Lisa, and Sally. The rest looked like they expected it. "Really?" Jeff asked. "Is there something wrong with that."
(M/N) said his eyes glinting silver for half a second. "No! Nothing's wrong." Jeff stiffened a little but still responded. "I guess Lisa and (M/N) will have to start killing soon." Masky said. "Your right Masky, (M/N) and Lisa you two will go out with Jeff in tomorrow to put your training to work." Slender spoke. "Ok." (M/N) and Lisa said at the same time. The two were excited yet nervous. When everyone was done eating (M/N) and Lisa walked over to E.J, L.J, BEN, Jeff, Masky, Toby, and Hoodie. "Do you guys want to watch us make the houses for my wolves?" (M/N) asked. "Yes!" BEN exclaimed happily while everyone else nodded. "Alright first I want to see if they still want to go in my room or outside." (M/N) said as he turned around to see the wolves behind him. "Outside." They said at the same time. "Well alright. Let's go." (M/N) said while everyone got up and walked outside. "Now let's start with Fotiá, what are you imaging?" (M/N) asked. "I just want a little house made with flames not all flames but like that was are made out of flames." Fotiá a explained. "Alright let me see if I can summon up something." (M/N) spoke before he went silent. Then there was a quick glow. And there stood a small house just big enough for Fotiá to fit in. The little house had the walls and columns made out of flames bit there were little homes at the top to place plants and a window on the side made out of steel, and a small door. The flames were a burning white color and the flames on the tops of the columns and the door were dark orange. Fotiá gasped when she saw the little house. "Thank you master I love it so much, its so pretty!" Fotiá exclaimed. "Your welcome Fotiá, go ahead try it out." (M/N) said. Fotiá walked into the small home, turned around and played down. "It's roomy I like it a lot thank you again master." Fotiá said happily while walking out of her new little home. "Alright now its Terra's turn." Lisa said. What type of home to you want?" (M/N) asked. "I want more of a simple home like one window, no door, room for me to move a lot, and made out of rock that would be nice." Terra said. "Alright then." (M/N) said but once again went silent. There was another flash but this time it was green. When the flash was gone a simple little house stood next to Fotiá's. The house was  made out of dark brown rock, and there were two small roofs that were made out of what looked like quartz. "I love its so simple just like how I imagined thank you master!" Terra gasped out in awe. "Your welcome. Now who's next?"
(M/N) asked. "I am, master." Neró spoke quietly. "Ok, what type of house do you want?" Lisa asked this time. "I want a simple house also nothing to big I want it made out of water with a door and four windows if you can." Neró spoke quickly. And again there was a flash. When the slash was gone there was another simple little house. The house had what looked like a front porch, two outward windows at the top, two windows right beneath the first two, and a door. The house also was made out of water it wasn't thick but the water was dark enough to where you couldn't see inside. "Thank you very much master, I like it a lot." Neró said bashfully. "I guess its my turn now." Ánemos spoke. "Yes it is what would you like Ánemos?" (M/N) asked. "Well I would like a somewhat big home like Fotiá's but I want mine made out of clouds and I want it to look like a mansion." Ánemos explained. "Ok sounds nice." (M/N) said and went silent once more. There was another flash just like the others but white. When the flash was gonna a small mansion appeared. The mansion was made out of clouds like Ánemos wanted. The clouds looked like they were making bricks and there were 13 windows for on the left and right walls, two in the front by the door, and a half circle window a little ways above the door, in front of the door there were columns that held up a small roof that was connected to the house. For once Ánemos showed some expression. Ánemos's eyes widened with the look of awe on his face. "It's so lovely, thank you master." Ánemos gasped out. "Your welcome. Now these houses will disappear, but don't worry they will come back just remember where you house is at and when your ready to go in just day your element and my name and you house will appear." (M/N) explained. "Ok, now that, that is done we should go inside it looks like its about to rain." L.J spoke. Everyone got up and looked at the sky. That sky was a dark gray. "I guess so we can hang out in the living room till lunch I mean we have about what? An hour?" Jeff suggested. "Sounds like a plan to me let's go." (M/N) said while everyone walked into the house.

A/N: I'm just gonna show you what the houses look like.

This is Fotiá's house_________________________________________

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This is Fotiá's house

This is Terra's house_________________________________________

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This is Terra's house

This is Terra's house_________________________________________

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This is Neró's house

This is Ánemos's house_________________________________________I hope you liked this chapter

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This is Ánemos's house
I hope you liked this chapter. I can't believe that I got over 500+ views I was quite surprised when I saw the number. I thank all of you for reading and voting it really means a lot to me. So THANK YOU very much I appreciate it. Bye-Bye (^^)/

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