Chapter 15

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Lauren's POV:

"BOO" I hear someone scream as the culprit pours freezing cold water on me. I scream but I also hear a growl.


I jump up from where I've been napping and look around me. I see about 4 pairs of eyes starring at me and the other victim. I look over to the other victim and see that it was Shawn and that Kaitlyn was the one to poor water on us.

Evil Bitch.

I look back at Shawn who's white shirt was now see-through and his abs were just screaming at me to stare, so thats what I did. For a very long time.

"You know, you should just take a picture already. It lasts longer." I look up to see a smirk on his face and I'm about to tell him off when

"WE ALREADY TOOK A PICTURE!" Kaitlyn yells with a pretty smug look on her face. Shawn and I were dumbfounded and I was a bit jealous she had a picture of his abs on my phone and I didn't. 

"What do you mean you already took a picture?" Shawn asked her slowly.

Kaitlyn just shrugged and took out her phone. She gave us her phone and we both looked at the picture in pure shock. It was a picture of me and Shawn sleeping. His arm around my waist and my head on his chest with our legs tangled together. The weird part is both of us had goofy smiles on our faces in the picture.

"Uhh" Shawn and I simultaneously. 

"Well anyway back to the real matter at hand. Your date is in less than 2 hours and unless you want to go on it looking like a bunch of wet dogs." Shawn growled at this while I just shrugged. Jess then preceded to drag me out of Shawn's view and at this Shawn glared at her and if looks can kill, she'd be 6 feet under. Jess shoved me into her room and then shoved me into her spacious bathroom and demanded me to shower. I'm not even lying, she demanded me.

I came out of the shower in a nice white fluffy towel and I realized I didn't have anything to wear! I was going to wear what I was wearing before but now they are completely drenched. I walked over to the door and opened it slightly making sure Axel wasn't in the room because after all they did share the room together and I don't want Axel seeing me in just a towel and I think he feels the same. After seeing no sight of Axel, I walk out of the bathroom and see someone in the closet. I walk in deeper and noticed there were three someones. Those three someones were Kaitlyn, Elizabeth, and Jess. Elizabeth was the first to notice my presence.

"Finally! I thought you'd never get out of that shower!" I just gave her a sly grin. 

"Sorry, I wouldn't have needed to take one if someone didn't pour freezing cold water on me." I said glaring at Kaitlyn and she had the decency to smile.

"Hey, I needed you up for your date. You gave me no other choice!" She defended

"Whatever" She still beamed at me and I couldn't help smiling back at her.

"Alright now that you are out, it's time for you to get ready." Jess stated and everyone nodded. Jess then threw clothes at my face. " Go change into those and be quick so we can start hair and makeup." Jess demanded and I just nodded walking back into the serenity of the bathroom. I change into the clothes Jess picked and I was happy to see that it was a pair of red skinny jeans with a white flow off the shoulder shirt. After changing, I debate whether I should stay in the bathroom or not. I was not ready to have my hair tossed in placing and have my eyeballs ripped out of my eye sockets.

I eventually walked out accepting my inevitable doom. The girls placed me on my chair and Kaitlyn and Elizabeth began doing my hair while Jess did my makeup. We were almost done when Jess brought out the most evil thing of them all.

The eyelash curler

"No no no no no no no. Get that evil, Satan's spawn thing out of my face!" I began flailing my body around like some crazy woman, which caused Kaitlyn to burn my neck with the hair straightener. Which caused me to scream. The room became hectic as everyone started screaming at each other and then it went silent and the door was broken down by none other than a shirtless Shawn.

Did I mention shirtless?

Axel followed up and so did these two other boys that I never seen before.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Shawn screams making everyone freeze including me. Kaitlyn drops the straightener that was in her hand and Jess dropped the eyelash curler.

Thank you God.

Shawn marches straight up to me and looks me straight in the eye

"Why did you scream?" He asks, concern flooding his eyes.

"Well you see... Jess, Kaitlyn, and Elizabeth were doing my hair and makeup. And Jess decided to bring out Satan's spawn and I wanted nothing to do with that so I began flailing around which caused Kaitlyn to burn my neck with the straightener. And so i screamed." I finished my story and Shawn moved my hair around trying to find the burn mark and once he saw it, he growled really loud.

Is it bad that kind of turned me on?

My thoughts were cut short when I fireworks exploding on my neck due to Shawn kissing the burn spot. I fluttered my eyes closed trying to hold back and moan due to all the people that are currently watching. He then began sucking on it and I was going to let out a moan when someone made Shawn stop.

"Okay um... hello?" Jess asked awkwardly. Clearly knowing the moment that was happening.

"What do you want?" Shawn growled out and I put my hand on his chest in an attempt to calm him and it actually worked.

"She still has to get ready for your date and I don't know if she'd appreciate having hickeys on her neck for said date." Jess tells him.

I totally forgot about the date! Shawn successfully distracted me by kissing my neck and I'm glad Jess stopped him because I really don't want hickeys for my date.

Shawn only nodded then smiled down at me and I immediately smiled back and then he kissed my forehead and walked out. Axel followed him out but the two strange boys still remained and they starred and Kaitlyn and Elizabeth.

"Tyler, Eric. Stop starring and get the fuck out!" Jess yelled in a very authoritative and demanding voice. They were snapped out of their trance, and ran out of the room. "Alright lets finish you up for this date." Jess said looking at me and thankfully the eyelash curler was out of sight.

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