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LEADER: BLAZESTAR,Muscular russet tom with hazel eyes and ginger tail.

DEPUTY: SMOKEHEART, gray spotted she-cat with Amber eyes.

MEDICINE CAT: HOLLYCLOUD, black and white spotted she-cat with Amber eyes.

WARRIORS: RAINWING, blue-gray she-cat with white speckled blotches.

MAPLEFANG, tortoiseshell she-cat with Amber eyes and white flecks on her tail.

HERINGFLIGHT, brown tabby tom with one white paw, apprentice, Whiskerpaw (White tom)

FOXLEG, white tom with ginger patches on his legs and face.

STONEPOOL, Large Gray tom with blue eyes, apprentice, Cloudpaw (Handsome White tom)

DUSTSTEP, Light gray tom with darker colored fur paws.

SILVERWISKER, Silver she-cat with white spots on her flank, apprentice, Bluepaw (Light gray she-cat)

BERRYCLAW, Ginger tom with russet paws and a scar under his left eye.

GOLDENFROST, Golden she-cat with light blue eyes and unusually long claws.

QUEENS: HONEYSHINE, Golden she-cat with green eyes and strong hind legs.

CLOVERHEART, Dark gray she-cat with a white stomach, kits, Owlkit, a gray tom with a white stomach, and Willowkit, a white she-kit.

ELDERS: MOSSNOSE, Dark gray tom with bright green eyes.

LEO, Brown and gold spotted tom.

SHIMMERTAIL, Black she-cat with a white tail.


LEADER: TORNSTAR, Brown tom with white paws and black stripes.

DEPUTY: GORSELEAP, Gray long-furred tom with two white paws

MEDICINE CAT: AMBERHEART, Ginger short-fur tabby she-cat, apprentice, Goosepaw (White tom with gray stripes)


LEADER: BREEZESTAR, white tom with black spots and amber eyes.

DEPUTY: SAPTOOTH, Golden she-cat with sharp fangs, apprentice, Thistlepaw (Hazel she-cat with brown stripes)

MEDICINE CAT: RATBITE, black tom with his right back leg paralyzed.


LEADER: DOVESTAR, large White she-cat with blue eyes.

DEPUTY: BIRDFLIGHT, White tom, with fur that looks like feathers apprentice, Mallowpaw (Black tom)

MEDICINE CAT: MELTFOOT, Ginger tom with two russet paws.

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