Yes i did somthing

67 12 2

///One thing
That song ^^^^ is really dang good and just
I love how they say "attemotion" at the beginning (yes they actually do mean attention) (engrish amirite)
But overall
I love it///

Told you I'd be obsessed

HaTold you I'd be obsessed Whoops

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I wanted to draw Jelly. But. I. Failed.
Because I suck at life
Excuse me

Precious smol <3 this is actually a pretty accurate representation of me in class smh

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Precious smol <3 this is actually a pretty accurate representation of me in class smh

Precious smol <3 this is actually a pretty accurate representation of me in class smh

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Oh there it comes

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Oh there it comes

Oh I'm sorry the rest is in my algebra notebook which is in my locker at school rn yea I'm dumb forgive me

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Oh I'm sorry the rest is in my algebra notebook which is in my locker at school rn yea I'm dumb forgive me

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