part 16

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Hey my purple unicorns!  Soo, I gave you what you wanted... Did you like it? I do have a little bit of a writer's block right now, but I'll try to keep the story going.. But to be honest I've got a lot more inspiration for a sequel.... Well I'll just get on with the story..

chapter 16

Stiles lost himself in Dereks embrace, drowned in his scent and was almos euphoric about the fact that he was able to do all that again. "I missed you Derek. I missed you so, so much" he exclaimed, and Derek sighed sadly. "I am so sorry for leaving you, or even allowing you to get kidnapped in the first place" he replied tiredly, and Stiles turned his head to look Derek in the eyes. "Derek, I will not let you blame yourself for that. That was all me, me and Deucalion. It wasn't your fault" he tried to assure his mate. "But I let you get away" Derek whispered. "Shush you" Stiles said before shutting him up effectively by slamming his lips on Dereks again. Then the door opened and Stiles heared footsteps come through the door. "Mom! We heared you were awake and- oh." Isaacs voice died off when he saw what Stiles and Derek were doing. Then Stiles heared the pups and he pulled away from Derek, earning a scowl. "Shush sourwolf. They've been worried as well" Stiles chuckled, and Derek reluctantly let go of his waist and turned to the pups, who looked back with a cautious look in their eyes. "So are you together again or what?" Jackson asked like the brat he sometimes was. "Yes Jackson, we are indeed. And you might want to know he has his memory back as well" Stiles explained, and the eyes of the pups became big as saucers. "Really?" Isaac said with a side glance at Derek. "Yes, really" Derek answered with a little smile. That was all the pups needed, and they all jumped at Derek for a big group hug which Stiles excluded himself from because he couldn't really stand, and even though the painkillers worked remarkably well, he could see from the bandages on his arms and legs that he was pretty burnt  and he didn't want his wounds to open and start bleeding, or leaking, or whatever burns did. The pups on the other hand seemed like they had a contest who could crush Derek to death first. Stiles smiled at Dereks attempt to stay upright and couldn't hold back a chuckle when he miserably failed and crushed to the floor, buried beneath a pile of ovely happy pups. Only the twins seemed to be a little uncomfortable and uncertain of their position in the pack while they were standing next to Stiles' bed and looking at the puppy pile next to them. Stiles wondered if they'd talked to Derek about joining the pack. When he saw what an uncomfortable position Derek was in he decided it was time to put a stop to the mess in the hospital room. "Okay pups, give your poor alpha some air, I've just got him back, and I'm not planning on letting him go anytime soon" he said with a wink, and the pups all jumped off Derek en looked at him sheepishly. "Sorry mom" or "sorry Derek" they all mumbled, and Stiles couldn't help but laugh at their embarrased faces. Wolf instinct's a bitch! "Don't apologise! You missed him, it makes sense. But guys, I'm kinda tired and I think I'm going to take a quick nap, okay? You guys can go grab something to eat in the cafeteria" Stiles said, knowing the promise if food would get the pups to leave for a while. "I'm staying" Derek said, and when Stiles looked like he was going to protest he sent him his best Hale glare, and Stiles decided it might be best to let the alpha stay. "It's okay guys, just get something to eat while Derek stays here" he said, and they nodded before leaving the room, which left Derek and Stiles alone again. "I'm sorry to have to say this, but I wasn't lying when I said I was exhausted. I'm gonna take a short nap I think" Stiles said, and he yawned. "Okay. I'll just lay with you" Derek suggested, and Stiles happily agreed. Soon enough Derek was spooning him, and even though they barely fit into the small hospital bed Stiles felt more comfortable then he had the intire week, and he felt himself drift away into a peaceful nothingness quickly.

Stiles woke up about ten minutes after from a terrible pain in his arms and legs, it felt like they were pushed to death, they burnt terribly and he had to hold back a whimper. When he curled himself up just to be able to bear the pain, the stretching of his muscles and skin caused him so much pain that he let out a whimper. Immediatly he felt the body of the man who was curled up against him stiffen. "Stiles? Are you okay? What's going on?" Derek asked worriedly "Just the... Just the stupid burns. I guess the painkillers weared off" Stiles groaned, and Derek sat up, careful not to touch his arms or legs. "I'm so, so sorry! You seemed to be okay because of all the painkillers so I completely forgot! I'll heal you, just relax okay?" Derek exclaimed, trying to.hold himself together when he saw his mates distress. Stiles nodded, unable to do much more than just bear the pain right now. When Derek touched his arms he stiffened for a moment, until the pain started to wear off and black veins appeared on Dereks arm. He could only feel the wounds heal, because he had bandages around the previously wounded limbs, so he couldn't watch the process. He only noticed the pain go away. When Derek was done, he sighed in relief. "Thanks Der" he said while they both layed down again. They cuddled up again and went back to sleep, because they'd only slept for about ten minutes and Stiles knew how tiring healing was for werewolves.

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