Chapter 19

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It was pretty entertaining having Jase bolt out of my room at five this morning, only to show up again an hour and a half later. My mom opened the door for Jase and the moment I ran down the stairs and saw him, I was in his arms and we were kissing again. I know we’re confusing my mom, but the past hour and a half while I was getting ready for school and waiting for him to come back have been a bit torturous.

“What’s going on?” my mom asks. I stop kissing Jase and turn my head to look at her.

“Um, Jase is my boyfriend now?” I reply. My mom looks like she wants to keep talking about it, but instead she goes into the kitchen to get some tea. I giggle and kiss Jase one more time.

“I’m making a toaster strudel. Do you want one?” I offer. Jase shakes his head.

“I ate before I left. But, I did bring you this,” Jase says and pulls a coffee flavored Monster out of his sweatshirt pocket. I squeal and take it happily from him.

“So, are you going to Allie’s tonight?” Jase asks as we sit at my table with my breakfast. I look towards my mom. Jase and I planned this out last night. I’m going to say that I’m sleeping over at Allie’s tonight and have Allie and Lyss cover for me. Then, since Jase’s parents are visiting with his Aunt and Uncle in New Jersey tonight and they won’t be home until tomorrow morning, I’m going over to his house. If my mom didn’t know he and I were together, there would be a possibility of me being able to sleep over there. However, now she’s going to think we’re going to sleep together or something even though we’ve only been dating a day so we only want to hang out.

“Can I?” I question.

“You’ll be home tomorrow morning by eleven?” my mom replies. I nod my head. She gives me the okay and I smile with another mouthful of Java Monster. I really should stop with the energy drinks. They’re so unhealthy.

“Come on, let’s go to school. Do you mind if I have this Monster open in your car?” I question. Jase stands up.

“No. It’s cool. Let’s get going,” he answers. He and I leave my house and get into his car. I’m so glad I get to ride to school with him again. This time we’re blasting I Capture Castle really loud and I can feel the beat shaking my internal organs. This feels so much better than listening to semi-loud Hollywood Undead with Hunter.

“You know, I think quite a few people are going to be pretty surprised that we’re going out now,” I point out.

“Their faces will be priceless! I want pictures of this!” Jase exclaims. I laugh thinking about the reactions of the different people to find that Jase and I moved past being best friends and went into dating.

“I’ve got my iPod ready for some picture taking!” I say.

Jase and I walk into school holding hands. I’m not sure if this is more for our benefit or for generating the priceless looks of showing that I’m with Jase now. Either way I’m enjoying it.

“Hey, you wanna really freak Allie and Lyss out?” Jase asks me just before we round the corner to my locker.

“How?” I question with a grin.

“You remember what Allie and I did every morning, right?” Jase questions. I’m pretty sure I know what he’s talking about.

“Oh my god, let’s do it!” I quietly exclaim. We both run off to my locker and Jase pushes my back to the metal. Then he starts kissing me and I am once again jealous of Allie for getting to do this every morning this entire school year. God, why did we wait so long to finally get together? We’ve known each other for eleven years, and we wait until the end of sophomore year to get anywhere? What the hell is wrong with us? We’re like fire and gasoline. Put us together and there’s more than just a spark.

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