Our Time Apart

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Is that a word that you'll use to describe you? Maybe patient would be better. At least, that's what Zen always says. You've been texting each other rather than going in the Chatroom, and there's a reason for it. It's discussions about Seven.

Seven... has been very distant and cold towards you lately. Though, you didn't complain much. He was there for your safety, after all. Despite that, your feelings for the redhead male seem to be eating you up inside. Harshly. Every time he'd raise his voice you'd instantly glue your lips together.

You hated being yelled at. Especially by the one you loved so dearly. But what can you do? This is the real Seven... at least, that's what he said to you when you were 'asleep'.

He'd always say to leave, or give him some space, which would be you moving to the other room or to your bedroom. You didn't mind it all too much, though. He needed to focus on his work. It's important. You just couldn't help but worry over his health, and would often cook him something.

At times he'd reject it, but when you said you'd throw it away he'd go back to accepting and eating it! You found it adorable...

However, something was glued at the back of your mind. Would it be alright for you to leave for a while?

The answer to that question was obvious. No. remember the last time you went out? He called you practically begging for you to come back. Well... it's not begging, it's demanding. Then he'd just stuck a tracking device into your favorite sweater! Odd one, that Seven...

You just can't help but feel to leave for a bit. Since he's always busy and shooing you away unless you make him something to eat. But... you couldn't worry him. You wouldn't just run off like that.

...Until today.

"Would you please stop bugging me?", with his headphones around his neck, a face scrunched up with pure annoyance and anger, Seven asks.

"I only want to help you, Seven." Is what you responded with a calm tone. Although, you swallowed a lump in your throat as you fidgeted your hands a bit. His angered expression scares you... But you needed to help him, he's been pretty stressed out lately.

"Why would you help me?", he scoffed, "Ohh I get it. You're just trying to be nice to me, huh?"

"That's not the case at all." You said, finally putting some firm into your tone. "You've helped me out a lot lately. Well, you practically saved my life from a bomb and an intruder. The least I can do is-"

"The least you can do is shut up and go to your bedroom."

That made you tense up. Your heart took a painful twist. His voice was slightly raised, and that made you bite your lip. Just as he was about to put his headphones back up, you spoke.

"Please allow me to help you! I care a lot about you, Seven, please! This'll be good for you! It'll be good for us!"

Everything was a slight blur when he got up, and pushed your back against the wall. A hand by the side of your head, his lips parted, and his eyes swirled with irritation. Now you've really done it.

"This won't be good for us. This'll be bad for us. Bad for me. I need to focus on my work, not your pitiful feelings towards me."

Oh how you hated hearing that word. Especially how it rolled off his tongue...

"I'm gonna take a shower, you should go to bed. And don't bother to talk to me, make me food, or anything later on. Got it?"

"But, Seven-"

"Got it?"


"Got it?"


That damned name. The way it fell from your mouth- He hated it. He despised it. So much.

"Shut your damn mouth and just stay the hell away from me!"

His loud shout practically echoed across the room. This created a heated silence between the two of you. You had to use all of your strength to not cry. He backed away from you, running a hand through his bright red hair and sighed.

"I'm gonna take a shower now. You better leave me alone once I'm out."

You just stood there in silence, your head lowered so your gaze met the floor. Once he walked away from you, you looked over at him. The bathroom door slammed shut, and locked. Once you heard the water running, you ran to your room.

You unlocked your phone and scrambled through Chatrooms, until you found what you were looking for. The cafe Jaehee has been talking about. You looked up the name of it... and it seemed to be close by. Thank god, you thought.

It was just a few blocks away from this apartment, but you couldn't go out just yet. Not with this tracking device on your sweater. You stripped it off and ran through your closet, looking for something else to wear.

Luckily, you found a pink pull-over sweater. Skimming through it to make sure no tracking device was on it, you put it on.

As your hand reached for your phone, you stopped it. Luciel would track your device in an blink of an eye if you took it with you. And the last thing you wanted, was him to find your location and dragging you back home.

Especially after he specifically told you to leave him alone.

Once you had everything, you made your way to the front door. The water was still running, so Luciel was still showering. A perfect opportunity to leave.

"We need time apart." Is what you said when you finally exited the door.

Little do you know, Luciel would be begging for your return.

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