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Disclaimer: I don't mean this prompt to be racist in any way... obviously XD

Imagine that JJ is one of those kids who hangs out in the hall with his friends between classes. We already know Simon was a nerd in school, who was scared to do anything against the rules. Every day, Simon passes by JJ and his friends in a nearly empty back hallway on his way to class, and every day he stares at JJ out of the corner of his eye until he passes him. JJ starts to notice this, and one day, Simon tries walking past, but JJ pins him against a locker and confronts him angrily about it, believing that Simon is afraid of him because of his race.

The way Simon sees it, he is scared of JJ, not because he's black, but because he is the absolute hottest person Simon has ever seen.

How does he tell JJ, and how does JJ react?

The characters are interchangeable. Simon can be pretty much any other sideman or vlogger (#KStar maybe?) but can any of you picture Tobi shoving someone against a wall for looking at him wrong?

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