Chapter 40 - Our Last Chapter

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Media: God Damn You're Beautiful – Chester See

Lance swallowed nervously, his hands sweaty as he thought of a millions reasons why the Queen would summon him to Alaric's old library. Alaric's funeral procession and ritual had concluded a week ago, Prince Shayne was now King Shayne, and the castle had been relatively quiet. Lance had been avoiding the places that reminded him of Alaric, and only getting involved with any court matters if King Shayne were to ask him to. Apart from that, Lance and Carlen had been spending all their free time together, both needing to comfort from each other from the loss of someone so close to them.

For the life of him, Lance could not figure out what exactly could be the reason why he would be summoned by the Queen, especially to somewhere so sentimental. King Shayne had ordered that nothing in Alaric's library be touched, so as to preserve his memory. By being there, Lance felt like he was intruding, as though his presence would soil the memory of Alaric and it made him very uncomfortable.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Lance pushed against the library doors, comforted slightly by the familiar creaking of the doors. He entertained the idea of seeing Alaric still well and alive, sitting in his seat, pouring through documents like old times, as though he had not left them. Oh what he would have given to see him once more, in good health.

As he entered the room, he spotted the Queen immediately, her hands around her still flat stomach where she stood as she gazed in a dispirited manner at the seat that Alaric used to sit at. Lance's stomach dropped when his eyes darted to the other figure in the room. Carlen was also in the room with her, his head bowed in silence. Panic ripped through Lance's stomach as he considered the idea that the Queen might have something to say about their relationship. Perhaps she would want to separate them? Did she blame them for the King's death? Was she finally going to show her real Clarity self, now that Alaric was gone? Why had she summoned them here together? 

Lance's arms itched to wrap themselves around Carlen to protect him, but he resisted it. He didn't want to alarm the Queen. He recounted the number of guards that he saw leading up to this room and the number of presences that he could sense around this room. There was nothing out of the ordinary. But yet he found himself unable to relax.

Carlen lifted his head slightly to glance at Lance, and the warrior could see the apprehension written on his face clearly. Carlen was nervous about something. Did the Queen say anything to make him feel this way?

Lance cleared his throat slightly in an attempt to get the Queen's attention since she did not seem to register his presence. She blinked quickly as she snapped out of her daze, nodding politely and gesturing for Lance to take a seat on one of the couches.

Lance stared at the couch that she pointed to but found that he was unable to even take a step towards it. He could not imagine sitting or touching anything in this room. That, and he felt like he should be on his feet, ready to defend Carlen and himself if the need arises.

Queen Sophia smiled sadly when she sensed his hesitation, "I know the feeling. I too, can't find the courage to touch a thing in this room. It's as though if I kept everything as it was, he would walk through those doors and come back to me. It's foolish, isn't it?"

Warrior Lance shook his head, "Not at all, your highness." He was relieved that she had interpreted his hesitance in that manner. He had to be careful not to seem too tense. She might get the idea that he was being guarded against him, and he truly could not predict her next move.

Queen Sophia looked at Lance with sad eyes, "Just Sophia, I think."

Lance bowed slightly in acknowledgement, "Do you have any orders for me, Sophia?" He eyed Carlen once more, noting that he had his hands bunched up into fists rather tightly.

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