First day back at school

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Jacobs's pov
It was time for school to start again and I can't say I'm excited, ready to have my head thrown in toilet again "oh boy" I sighed to myself plus today is the day I see Britney sanders... joy, I put on my clothes, I got black skinny jeans and a skillet shirt, and packed all necessary books and study notes for school, i walked down the stairs to go in the car, however when I got downstairs we were still waiting for Rebekah, understandable so I waited patiently trying to avoid eye contact with my dad, after a short while she came downstairs, she was dressed in a pink lace skirt and crop top, "get In the car" Dad said and we went to the car and put our seatbelts on,

He started to drive "now little slut I don't want too sleeping around" he said to Rebekah "and you Jacob don't backchat me" we nodded in agreement. After about half an hour of driving we arived at school and got out of the car, the minute we got out Dad drove off. Rebekah and I crossed the road to walk into school, "oh boy..." I said to myself and the minute we got in the gate Rebekah just ran to this boy and kissed him, I rolled my eyes but walked past them. As I got to the quad there were scary seniors everywhere I tried looking for somewhere where I could sit so people wouldn't harass me, I waited for my friend Luke, and then suddenly out of nowhere he sat next to me, Luke is an overweight gamer with shaggy orange hair and always wears gaming shirts "HEY!" He said siting down next to me, I hugged him and pat him on the back "long time no see" our school was full of seniors everywhere so basically it's a two story school that looks old and busted where kids always hang out in the quad.

There wasn't much time for catch-up as Luke had only arived before the bell went and there the bell sounded, it was skillet, but It was the skillet song that reminded me of Britney "I will burn I will burn for you with fire and fury" it doesn't make me miss her anymore because well she cheated on me, I walked to roll call in the auditorium and looked around, there my year was, all of my entire year group, not a moment had passed and it was time to go to first class, I looked at my timetable "looks like I have maths first" I said to myself, I got to class and unpacked my stuff, it was a while before the teacher arrived so the boys were messing around and throwing paper planes, one landed on my desk, I opened it and yes I wasn't surprised at the message "go kill yourself you pathetic freak" I rolled my eyes trying to hold back the tears eventually mr Kaiku came in, we greeted him and were taught this weird algebra stuff but my mind just zoned out, I was listening to the voices in my head "stupid freak go die" "good for nothing worthless piece of trash" I didn't care I suddenly flipped my table and yelled "SHUT THE HELL UP" nobody knew who I was talking to so they all laughed, however mr kaiku thought I was talking to him "OUTSIDE, NOW!" He ordered, I did as I was told, as I was walking outside I heard people whispering "he's such a freak" I wanted to kill myself, the voices won't shut up my dad is a jerk the people at school are mean!

Mr Kaiku came out to talk to me, "what was that" I didn't reply "you have 3 after school detentions Jacob" he said and walked inside, 3 after school detentions.... what was I going to tell father, eventually the bell went and the day went on with boring classes, it was first lunch, I was sitting with Luke, "Luke what do you think about love?" I asked him "well I'm actually bisexual..." I just looked at him in surprise  "oh..." was all I could say, I got
My food out of my bag but it didn't last, suddenly the "bad boy" of the school approached us "well well well, if it isn't fat fag and depressed dope" he said and snatched my food "thanks" he said and walked away, I'm not letting him get away with that, I charged at him and punched him in the face, he kicked me to the ground and kept kicking me, I got up and got him in a head lock but he started punching me in the stomach, everyone was watching "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" eventually the teachers broke us up, I had blood all over me but the bell went, "are you okay?" Luke asked "yeah" I answered "just very very pissed"

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