Does he know?

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♡ Jeonghan's P.O.V♡

(After school)
  I was waiting for Joshua to arrive at the bench under the cherry blossom tree. It was a beautiful day! I looked up at the bright blue sky. No clouds around either. *sigh* I love this kind of weather. I put my head back on the bench and closing my eyes.......for a moment.

  I heard someone coming and I just assumed it was Joshua. I jumped and hugged "Joshua", the became stiff and didn't move or breath. I was confused and I look up to see Joshua. Nope it wasn't Joshua, but it wasn't a stranger either. It was Minghao (I think that's how you spell his name...IM SORRY! DON'T KILL ME T-T)
  Mingha0 lightly pushed me away. He rubbed the back of his neck.

Minghao: "are you waiting for Joshua?"

Jeonghan: "yeah! How did you know?"

Minghao: "I know him and you were talking about him a lot at lunch today. Seungcheol is not happy"

Jeonghan: "oh....but you know what he did! He doesn't love me!"

Minghao: "I know I know. I still can't believe he cheated on you for a girl."

*I'll end it here :3 hope YOU enjoyed! Okay BYYE X3*

*not a bye -3-* 

Jeonghan: "do you know her?"

Minghao: "yeah, I do"

  Jeonghan's ears perked up when he heard him say he does know the girl, the girl that stole Seungcheol's heart away from his hand. 

Jeonghan: *shoots up from the bench* "WHAT IS HER NAME? DOES SHE DO TO THIS SCHOOL? WHAT ARE HER CLASSES?"

Minghao: "calm down! Jeez, sit back down....."

 I sat back down and waited for Minghao to start talking. It took him a little but tho. 

Minghao: "I shouldn't even be telling you this, but the girl name is Gyu-Hyeon. She doesn't go to this school, but she is very popular in the other school. Seungcheol use to go there. that's how they know each other."

Jeonghan: "oh.....Um it's time for me to go, I'll see you later" *wave and smile*

Minghao: "okay then bye" *small smile*

  After I was out of Minghao's sight, I ran straight home. My eomma called me and she wasn't very happy for some reason....

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