Pot Of Gold Blocks

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David's POV

I just got off the plane at Florida with Michael and Vik. I had stayed with them for about two weeks before we were to fly to Florida and meet up with Vik's Minecraft friends. And oh yes this is going to be great.

Michael: "Be nice."

David: "What? I am being nice."

Vik: "I'm scared. Poor Harry ended up hating you by the time we left."

David: "He just can't take the shit he deals out. I thought it was hilarious."

Vick: "Making pre pubescent and teenager jokes about him, and calling him little boy was probably not the best way to introduce yourself once Josh had left."

Michael: "It was still funny though."

Vick: "Oh no doubt, I enjoyed the fact that no one made jokes about me though. With the fire being taken off me, it felt nice."

David: "We are about to see your block heads. Be prepared for more shit."

Via: "Your not a fan of Minecraft?"

David: "It's not that I'm not a fan of the game, I've watched Michael play it with his friends. And a few times on his own. I just don't get the point to it. And you have to be g rated because it's a kids game... Fuck off I'm too vulgar for that shit."

Michael: "Ain't that the truth."

As we finally landed in the airport. We waited for everyone to vacate the plane before grabbing our own carry on. Vik had been showing Michael about editing and how it works. I think he might become an editor for someone.

David: "So the mine crafters, that's BajanCanadian, Jerome, churchy I mean Preston, Woofless and target practice."

Vik: "Lachlan?"

David: "Yeah him."

Vik: "Why don't you like Lachlan. He's an Aussie like Michael."

David: "He has a face that I'd love to punch. And his voice is so fucking annoying. And don't get me started on Preston fuck me. How goody goody can you be. I'd be scared to meet him the most. Tell him to fuck off and he would cry out with a cross held out towards me, calling me demon spawn of satan."

Michael: "When did I give birth to you?"

David: "Not sure. Would explain your size though."

Michael: "I had to put on the weight to carry your fat ass to term."

Vik: "Well then just be nice David ok?"

We walked around the airport and grabbed ourselves some food, before Vik took us over to the Taxi bay, We grabbed a car and Vik gave him the address before we were on our way. The trip didn't last long but it was eventful to say the least.

David: "How much longer mummy. MUMMY HOW MUCH FURTHER!"

Vick: "David shut up."

David: "No."

Michael: "We are almost there. About three minutes away."

I lay my head back and rest it on the seat behind me. It wasn't very comfortable but it's America. I didn't expect much. As we finally turned up and arrived out the front of Mitch and Jerome's place. We all grabbed our bags and walked up to their front door. Knocking a few times.

Rob: "I got it."

Rob yelled out before opening the door. I'm pretty sure that one was Rob because I had to search m up after Michael showed me a photo of all the boys. That way I knew who he was talking about. The only difference though was that I honestly couldn't care less. I know Rob was bi because Michael fucking loved him the most.

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