Episode 47 - Black Pearl

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In the previous Episode:

Elaru brought Kiel to a jewelry store to pick a ring. Kiel took a liking to a certain ring, but they left the store without buying anything. After that, Elaru took Kiel to the Black Pearl - a high-class restaurant, to have lunch. Black pearl is a restaurant with high privacy and security that nobles often visit when they want to do something in secret.

Kiel would prefer it if they went to a normal restaurant and doesn't understand Elaru's motives for coming here.

* * *

Kiel exhaled slowly and tried to reason with her. "In this place, the waiters are dressed in higher class garments than us. They won't let us in looking like this."

To tell the truth, Kiel wasn't dressed like he was going to a party, but he was in no way dressed shabbily. While his garments were practical, they were also stylish and made it hard for people to mistake him for a commoner.

Elaru, on the other hand, was more casually dressed.

"Black Pearl doesn't discriminate based on what you are wearing. As long as you look like you have enough money to dine here." Elaru looked Kiel up and down. "They will be able to tell you are a Rroda right away, so even if you dragged in a half dead person in blood-stained rags, they'd still let you in and treat you like an honored guest."

Kiel stared at her dumbfounded. That confidence...

"...you are not...talking from experience...are you?"

Elaru deadpanned: "I always talk from experience."

"..." Kiel's face stiffened and after a moment of silence, he responded. "Dragging half dead people in? Do assassins and thieves dine here too?"

"Anyone with enough money is welcome. Fugitive or not." Elaru shrugged. "Black Pearl even has a deal with the Peacekeepers that prevents them from storming in and disturbing the guests. If a fugitive comes to dine here, they would be completely safe from capture until they leave the premises of the Black Pearl."

Kiel's eyes flashed. "Then the question is...do you have enough money for us to dine here? Cause I sure don't."

Elaru patted Kiel on the shoulder. "Ye of little faith. If I didn't, would I have brought you here?" Without waiting for Kiel to respond, she turned her back to him and started walking towards the entrance of the restaurant.

Frowningly Kiel looked at her back. Her long red ponytail was glittering like silk, jumping with her every step. Her narrow waist and ample bottom looked alluring even in baggy clothes.

After a moment of reluctance, he sighed and followed her in.

As they entered, what greeted them was a small reception hall with many guards watching over the entrances and exits. A violet carpet path led them from the entrance to the reception desks around which were positioned many servants in tuxedoes.

As soon as Kiel and Elaru entered, a servant stepped forward from the wall of servants, coming to greet them. He slightly bowed and exclaimed. "Welcome to Black Pearl my lord and lady. I will be your personal servant today. Do honored guests have any special instructions for this lowly one?"

If the guests wanted to go to a specific floor or booth, had reservations, or perhaps companions already waiting for them inside, they would be able to tell it to the waiter so he could bring them where they wanted to go.

Since the moment he stepped foot into the restaurant, Kiel had started wearing his friendly smile. His usually straight back and his aura of elegance and refinement intensified. Making his bearing nothing short of perfection.

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