Chapter 25. Overprotective Scarlett.

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Please Rage. Don't leave me here.
I need you Rage.
Oh! God! Please. Help him!!! He has stopped breathing.
Please! Help him.
NO! Don't touch me.
Rage!! Rage, Wake up! Please...
I am so sorry Rage.
Please wake up!
I won't fight you, Rage.
Please. I swear. I promise you. I will make it work in between us.
Please Rage, wake up. I need you.
I am sorry.
I am so so sorry, Rage.
Wake up.
Don't leave me in this world without you.

The distinct sound of my voice, screamed inside my head.
The sound of the ambulance.
Rage's ragged breathing.
The round of two bullet shots.
Timmy's crying.
Martin barking orders.
But most of all.
I couldn't stop hearing myself.

Memories replayed in my head like a black and white movie.
My hand stayed on his chest from where his chest went up and down with his heavy breathing.
It was as if he had run a marathon.
But he didn't.
He was shot.
In his chest.
He stops breathing again and again.
And I am pleading for him to wake up.
"Scar, you need to stay down. You're bleeding!!" I heard someone yell but I didn't turn to find out who?
My blurred vision stayed on Rage.
My bloody hands trembled on his chest.
They were putting something on his mouth and someone was making me lie face down. But I kept pushing them away from me. I did not care that I was bleeding. I did not care at all.
At that moment I forgot all my pain.
I just....
I needed to make sure Rage does not stops breathing.
I was afraid of loosing him.
Four strong hands pinned me face down on something metallic.
"Stop! No.....Rage. Make them stop. He is not breathing." I screamed. But they did not listen to me.
I felt a prick in my neck and everything slowly went dark.


I wish someone would turn the damn alarm off.
Its so annoying.

"Scara" I hear someone whisper.
Tim? I thought to myself.
I groan when I am unable to open my heavy eyes.
I just wanted to go back to sleep.
Why is everything so bright?
I want to tell Tim to turn off the damn lights but it hurts to open my mouth.
Why does my jaw feels so sore?
I try to move my mouth again but it hurts too bad.

Feeling frustrated, I breathed in and out, deeply, trying to open my mouth and form words.
Ughh....why does it hurts so bad? Do I have a toothache?

Slowly, but with difficulty I try to open my eyes.
But the light is so bright, its hurting them. So I open and close them, trying to blink away warm tears.

Then everything goes slightly dark, making it easier for me to open my eyes.
"Rage?" I croaked out, my jaw hurts so I clench it tight. Where is Rage? Shouldn't he be here with me? In the bed?
Where the hell am I?
I realise I am lying face down on a comfortable bed.
I look around me and mentally groan at the dark grey room.
The smell...
Its so horrible.
Like someone is dying.

Why am I in a hospital?
Why am I attached to vitals and machines?

Panicking, I try to get up, and feel my bones popping, like it does when you have slept in an awkward position all night.
I whimper when I feel a stinging sensation in my shoulder.
Thats when it clicked. And my ears start ringing.
Timmy is saying something but am not able to hear it. While He is trying to push me back down on the bed.
I took a bullet.
"Ra-Rage. Rage. Where is he, Timmy? Where-Where is Rage? Timmy." I croaked out with my sore mouth.
I sounded so horrible. My throat was scratchy.
Rage took a bullet for Tim.
Memories rush into my head like a trainwreck. Destroying my thoughts with every image that played in my head.
Meeting Timmy's eyes, I feel my eyes watering.
He. He....
Why does he looks so broken?
Did something happen to Rage?
"Scar.....Scar, he is not doing good. We-We don't know if will wake up. Scar....he...he--" He chokes out, with tears flooding down his eyes.
If he will wake up?
What does he mean by that?
"What do you mean, Timmy. Where is he?" I hear myself screaming. Honestly, I don't even believe its my own voice.
He looks down not meeting my eyes.
"He took a bullet aimed at me, Scar... It left a small hole in his lungs." He whispers in horror.
"They are trying...but..."
"But what, Timmy?" I scream.
"He might-he might not make it, Scar...."

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