Chapter Fourteen

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Stephen shrugged on his spare coat and gloves.  He glanced at his wife who was curled up like a cat on the sofa.  She was reading one of the few books that had been lying around the house.  He put his hat on his head. "I'm going out. Are you and Miss Kitty coming as well?"

Ginny glanced up at him, reluctantly closing her book. So she enjoyed reading. He would have to keep that in mind. Maybe he could purchase her some of the newest novels.

"Let me grab my boots. I'll find Kitty." Ginny raced off in search of the young maid.

When they had returned, they stepped outside into the cold frigid air. Stephen wrapped his coat closer around him, noticing Ginny doing the same with her shawl, and stepped out onto the busy, city sidewalk.  Stephen tucked Ginny under his arm, trying to keep her warm.

Luckily, it was a short walk to the dress shop, but he didn't enjoy having to mingle with so many people.  It made him wish his other house would be repaired quicker so he could get out of the city.  For now, he would have to make do with what he had. 

Stephen had nearly passed the dress shop, because he was entirely wrapped up in his thoughts.  Kitty had stopped short, snapping him out of his thoughts as he nearly stumbled into the poor girl. He opened the door for Ginny and Kitty, little bell jingling above their heads. He stepped inside after them, looking around for who ran the place.  The front desk was empty as were the aisles of fabric and lace.

"Just a minute and I will be right with you!" a girl's voice called out from the backroom.  He heard a loud clatter and an oomph sound.

Stephen peeked into the backroom and found a young woman sprawled out on the ground, boxes and bolts of fabric were scattered around her. 

"Oh dear." Kitty tutted, helping pick up some of the fallen things as the girl scrambled to her feet out of the mess. She looked to be in her twenties, around Ginny's age at least, and she had auburn curls and a splash of freckles underneath her dark, blue eyes.  The lines by her eyes showed that she smiled and laughed a lot, but currently she just looked flustered.

"I apologize ma'am!  You don't have to pick up those things.  Leave them be and I will clean it up later," she snatched the bolts from Kitty's hands and set them aside. 

"Oi was just tryin' ta 'elp." Kitty muttered under her breath.

Ginny held back a smile and nudged her friend to keep quiet.

The girl clasped her hands together and smiled. "Now, what may I do for you?  Are you getting something for your sister? Or a gift to your mother?"

"My wife, actually." he said, gesturing to Ginny

Her face fell slightly, "Oh?"

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

She laughed and shook her head, "Oh, it's nothing.  I was just hoping with how handsome you are maybe you weren't taken yet."

Stephen was taken back by her straightforwardness.  Ginny glanced at him awkwardly, clearly uncomfortable.

He cleared his throat. "I need to purchase three pairs of everything you have for woman's clothing."

"What about the colors of the dresses?"

"I would prefer blue, white, and yellow." Ginny answered.

"Well, we have racks of pre-made dresses over there. You can have a look at those if you like." she offered. "I'll prepare a package of undergarments for you."

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