Chapter 183 - Family

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"Mijita! I made pancakes!" I woke up to my dad yelling through the apartment.

"Okay." I groaned, pulling myself out bed, "I'm coming." I dragged myself down the hallway, to find my dad pouring orange juice into glasses at the table.

"Hi cutie." He smiled at me, and kissed my head.

"Hi." I yawned.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, as I sat down.

"Fine." I replied, holding my head in my hands.

"Okay." He smiled, "I'm gonna go get your brother."

"Okay." I sighed, and reached for my juice. I sat cross cross in my chair, sipping orange juice, until my dad walked in, carrying Sebastian.

"Alright my offspring, eat." He motioned to me, as he cut Sebastian's pancakes.

"Aren't we going to wait for Mom?" I asked, reaching for syrup.

"Oh, she left for work an hour ago." He shrugged.

"Oh. Okay." I sighed, and started eating breakfast. "So, its just you today."

"Actually darling," he set down Sebs fork, and turned around to me, "I have to go to work too."

"Yeah, but not until like, 5:00." I said, my mouth full, "it's Friday."

"No, I have to do this interview thing with Javi." He said, feeding my brother, "about handing the role off."

"Oh." I sighed, and returned to my breakfast.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern in his eyes.

"Nothing, I just, its, I miss you." I looked down at my lap.

"I'm sorry Niñita, it's just another week, then we're going to London." He smiled, trying to cheer me up.

"We are?" I asked, surprised as this was the first I was hearing about this.

"Mmhm, with my parents." He said, handing Sebastian his juice.

"That's awesome." I said, smiling.

"And, Abi, I really do miss you and Sebastian, that's why I'm leaving the show. Anyways," he changed the subject, "we're going to have to move to London in a few months."

"Why?" I asked, shocked that my dad was leaving NYC.

"Poppins." He shrugged, "we're filming in London, we have to get you enrolled in a school up there."

"How long will we be there?" I asked.

"About a year-ish."

"A year?" I asked, "I'll be there until I'm a senior?"

"Yep." He nodded, "also, it just hit me that you'll be an adult soon."

"Yeah. That's, that's weird." I said, and Lin shook his head, like he was trying to get the idea out. I pulled my phone out, and started scrolling through my twitter feed, which, due to the upcoming election, was 90% political. "I hate politics." I groaned, slamming my phone down.

"Ditto." Lin laughed.

"Isn't Abuelo like, a politician of some sort?" I asked.

"He's a political consultant," he started, turning around to me, "and Peanut, why do you think I hate politics. I grew up in it." He groaned, "everyone's crazy."

"Yeah, but, at the same time I have to have an opinion."

"No you don't." He looked at me oddly.

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