Chapter 184 - Fourth of July

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Monday morning, I was sitting in bed, on Twitter, when I saw an online article from an interview with my dad. I sat up a little and read it. It was about him leaving, and handing the role off, I read a little into it, until I found something that really caught my attention.

"I just, I don't want to be Jamie Wellerstein." Says Miranda, laughing a bit, "like, I don't want to get so caught up in my work, and all the crazy awesome things in my life, that I lose those little moments playing trains with my son, or going to my daughter's choir concerts, or just having my morning coffee on the couch with my wife. Those are the best parts of my day!"

So, you don't want to absent from that?

"No, well, yeah, I want to be there, but, my son's one. He won't be like this for long, and I want to be there for everything, and I want to tuck him in at night, and just, be his dad. Then, my daughter's 16, and I want to chaperone a field trip, and be a PTA dad. My wife's a lawyer, so we both have these weird, crazy schedules, and I'm just so deprived of time with her, and I miss her all the time."

So, you miss your family?

Yes! They're why I do anything, I mean, I love the show, and everyone there, but I don't want to be a Jamie to my wife's Cathy, I don't want her to be standing in the audience when I do something, she's an amazing woman, and sat out of my league, and um, I want to put her before my career. Then like, my kids, I don't want them to grow up and say 'oh yeah, my dad was cool, he was famous and all, but he was never really home' I want them to be able to think back and have all these memories of me like, embarrassing them on a field trip, or putting a band-aid on a cut, or not liking their boyfriends and girlfriends. I don't know. I just, I want to be actively in their lives.

Are you feeling separated from them now?

Well, sort of. Both my wife and I had work today, and my kids are home alone. Like, I was having breakfast with my daughter and I told her I had to work today and she kinda just sighed, and said, like, I just miss you. And that sorta like, broke my heart, like, I want to be able to be there with her as much as possible, and my son while he's growing up. I don't like to think that she's sad, and home alone. That's sorta why I'm leaving, I want to be a dad and a husband first. I want that to be my identity to them.

"Abi!" I was called out of the article by my dad yelling.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Get dressed! We're leaving in 20!" I smiled, it was the Fourth of July, and I guess we were doing something. I quickly threw on a pair of shorts, and a white t-shirt with an American Flag on it.

"Morning." I smiled, walking into the kitchen.

"Morning Sweetheart." My mom said, piling water bottles into a cooler bag.

"Abigail," I spun around to see my dad putting a leash on Tobi. "Can you put Tobi in the car and wait for us?" He handed me her leash and started digging in his pocket for his keys. "V have you seen my car keys?"

"Pantry." She replied, and he gave her a confused look, before checking our pantry, and finding his keys.

"Okay, uh, A, here are the keys, don't get behind the wheel." He dropped the keys into my hand, and gave me a little push towards the door. I walked downstairs leading Tobi on her leash, and got in the car. A couple minutes later my mom brought Sebastian out and put him in his car seat.

"What are we doing?" I asked, as she got in the drivers seat.

"Barbecue with the family." She smiled.

"Okay, let's go." Lin said, climbing in and buckling his seatbelt. "Peanut?" He turned around in his seat, as Vanessa started the car, "do you still want to work at the show when I leave?" He asked.

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